Before Joining 1

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1:Before Joining 1

Before Joining 1

Rena continues to have nightmares of the monster who took her friend away from her. Unsettled on a particular night, the girl senses something is amiss and sneaks out of the Elf Village to see what was going on. The forest was too quiet and she runs into the El Search Party in the midst of a missing person's incident.

The Elf Who Overcame Her Nightmare 1
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The Elf realizes something after she wakes up from a nightmare.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rena woke up from a nightmare. It was still the middle of the night.
  • She wiped the cold sweat running down her forehead and thought about the dream. She would run through the forest and battle with the monster until she manages to take it down.
  • It was a recurring nightmare. What actually happened was worse. She couldn't defeat the monster. That's how Rena lost her friend.
  • Rena: This must be my guilty conscience.
  • Rena: If I were stronger... If I didn't hesitate... If I fought the monster... Maybe something would have been different...
  • Thinking about that now won't change anything. She tried falling asleep again, but couldn't. It wasn't the first time she had a nightmare, but something felt different.
  • Rena: ... It was just a dream.
  • Rena lied down, tossing and turning.
  • Rena: I can't fall asleep.
  • Rena turned, then laid on her back, fluffed her pillow and tried adjusting the angle, but could not settle down.
  • In the end, she got up. Maybe she would take a walk for a change of pace.
  • Rena changed into her outfit and headed out. Everyone was asleep, so the village was dark and quiet. It felt different from the village during the day.
  • Rena took in the scenery as she walked around. She could feel the cool nightmare air and the scent of the forest.
  • Rena: It's so lively in the day, yet so quiet at night. It seems lonely...
  • She thought about the other side of the moon. Where there's light, there is darkness. This was Ruben forest, where new life bloomed everyday with El's blessing and warm sunlight, yet...
  • Rena: It looks so lifeless and dreary at night.
  • She felt a shiver down her spine. Rena flinched and looked around.
  • It's too quiet. She could still hear the occasional bugs chirping and the sound of wind rustling the leaves, but that's not what she sensed.
  • Rena: 'Where are the spirits?'
  • Rena hurried to the village entrance.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Elf Who Overcame Her Nightmare 2
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The Elf sneaks out of the village and heads to the Tree of El.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Usually there were two guards posted at the entrance of the village. Even on nightshifts, there weren't anything too dangerous in Ruben Forest.
  • The creatures were not violent, and they were on friendly terms with the nearby human village. The guards were talking to each other, but looked around when Rena told them her concerns.
  • Ta'al: You're right. It is more quiet than usual.
  • Etna: Well, some nights are just quiet.
  • Rena: But don't you think it's too quiet? It's night, but there should be some spirits around...
  • The two guards hummed, but they couldn't think of a cause.
  • Ta'al: I don't know. What do you think, Etna?
  • Etna: Huh? No clue. I thought you would know better than I would...
  • Ta'al just shrugged.
  • Ta'al: It could be because the spirits were bored. It is quiet here at night.
  • The guards tried to reassure her, but she was still worried. Her senses were warning her that something was wrong.
  • Rena: You could be right... But it's still odd that it's abandoned like this.
  • Ta'al: We'll keep our eyes open. Since the spirits might have ran away because there's some kind of threat.
  • Etna: Thanks for letting us know. It was why you're awake? You can go back to bed. We'll protect the village, there's nothing to be worried about.
  • Rena: .......
  • Rena: Will do! I'll see you around.
  • Rena smiled and waved the guards goodbye. Once she arrived home, she picked up her bow and left the village through the forest pathway away from the guards.
  • Rena: .......
  • Rena: I don't sense them in the forest... And I don't hear as many critters
  • Rena pauses and listened to the sound of the forest. With all her focus on her hearing, she could gather more information.
  • It wasn't just the critters. While most may think of night as a time of rest, some creatures started their day in the middle of the night. Night had it's own rules and sounds.
  • But Rena couldn't hear a single thing. Not the sound of animals stepping on grass, of snakes slithering, or birds flapping their wings, or any growls or cries.
  • Rena: Something's wrong. It doesn't seem normal... What should I do?
  • There were no other signs except a lack of noise, but Rena felt like she knew this feeling. Like she experienced something similar before.
  • Rena: Let's keep thinking... Ruben Forest is too big to hope to stumble into the problem.
  • Of course, even if you lose the way, you could always follow the Tree of El to find yourself back on path.
  • Rena: ... That's it.
  • Rena: I'll head to the Tree of El since the spirits usually like to gather around there.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Elf Who Overcame Her Nightmare 3
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The El aims the arrow at the uninvited guest.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • As she approached the Tree of El, she heard something. It was the sound of several people running.
  • Rena hid behind a tree of observed. The running stopped, and she could hear the hushed sound of a man and a woman talking.
  • Lowe: Find anything, Cindy?
  • Cindy: No, nothing.
  • Lowe: Damn it... The forest at night is too dangerous to be loitering around.
  • Cindy: What about others? Nothing?
  • Lowe: I've met up with everyone at least once. Nothing.
  • Cindy: Alright. Then I'll do another round.
  • Cindy signaled others, and Rena could hear many footsteps moving away.
  • However, the man stayed put.
  • He looked anxious, looking around and fidgeting.
  • Rena: What are they doing out in the forest at night?
  • Could they be... bandits? Rena did hear that a group of bandits was causing trouble in the ruins.
  • Rena: I don't think they're the reason that the spirits are gone, but...!
  • Rena pulled out her arrow.
  • Rena: I won't let you cause any trouble!
  • Fliing! Rena shot the arrow just barely missing the man's foot.
  • Lowe: Aack!
  • The man took a hurried step back and pulled out his sword. It was obvious from a glance that the man was well-trained in swordsmanship.
  • Lowe: Who's there! Bandits!
  • It seemed the other man also suspected Rena to be a bandit. Rena flinched, wondering if she made a mistake.
  • As Rena hesitated, the man continued.
  • Lowe: This... is a magic arrow. It's not something a bandit could handle.
  • Lowe: ... I am a member of the El Search Party. Are you an Elf scout?
  • She felt her cheeks heat up. But... no matter how embarrassing, she should clear out the misunderstanding as soon as possible.
  • Rena raised both her hands to show that she had no intention to attack.
  • Rena: Haha... Sorry... I'm truly sorry!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Elf Who Overcame Her Nightmare 4
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives


  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The Elf heads deeper into the forest to find the missing girl.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Rena: Are you hurt? I'm sorry.
  • Lowe: It's fine. I also thought you could be a bandit.
  • Lowe: Is there something happening at the Elf village as well?
  • Rena: ... Not really. I just had a bad feeling. Can you tell me what's going on?
  • Lowe: I see...
  • Lowe: To tell you the truth, we heard there's something going on in the forest for days now.
  • Lowe: We didn't think much of it... But we added on more night patrols since there were so many eyewitnesses.
  • Lowe: But then today, a family reported that their daughter went missing. She hasn't come back from the forest, so we began the search.
  • Rena: I see...
  • Rena: I had a strange feeling today. It's not always like this...
  • Rena: But it feels like the forest is empty with all the spirits gone. I don't see any animals either.
  • Lowe: Hm... You're right. It's more foreboding because it's too quiet.
  • Lowe: But if there are no spirits around... Then this could be more dangerous than we've thought.
  • Rena: I'll help as well. Which areas have you searched?
  • Lowe: Based on our current location, we've searched the areas at our 12, 3, and 9 o'clock direction.
  • Rena: You haven't been searching for too long.
  • Lowe: It's been a bit, but we made sure that each ground would have enough people so no one gets left behind. It can be dangerous at night, but I suppose it's also hurting our progress.
  • Rena: It was an impact that could break two or three trees you said? It shouldn't be too hard to find a trance like that.
  • Lowe: That's the thing. There is no trace. No broken trees, no footprints, nothing. It's almost like we've been played by a ghost.
  • Rena: Is it only the girl that's missing? Any others?
  • Rena: And... are there others in the forest other than us and the search party?
  • Lowe: No one at the moment. There is a boy who lives in the woods, but I checked on him before coming here and he was fine.
  • Rena: Alright. Then I'll search the remaining areas.
  • Lowe: I'm not too keen on sending you out all alone, but I guess the situation calls for it.
  • Lowe: Good luck. If you find anything, of find yourself in trouble, come back, or ask for help from the El Search Party members in the general vicinity.
  • Lowe: Once I'm free from my shift, I'll join you and help out.
  • Rena: Alright. I'll um...
  • Rena: I'll start searching that way.
  • Rena: I didn't see anything on the way. I know this is the direction the abandoned cave it located. Even Elves avoid the area, so I'll go take a look.
  • Lowe: Alright. I'm sure you know better, but be careful. It's dangerous in the forest at night.
  • Rena: Thanks. You stay safe!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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