Beyond the Rift

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Beyond the Gap Elrianode



Level Required to Enter
Mini Map
  • This 'village' is only accessible to Lithia and acts as her hub town, though unlike previous characters, it is more akin to an elaborate UI than an actual town. Movement is not possible within this area, and the only interactable NPCs are Rift Inside the Rift and the Mailbox.
    • The large memory shards around Rift Inside the Rift can be clicked to access their corresponding dungeon map, and display locations visited during these memories, the same way as on the Dungeon Select screen.
  • The room and objects within it will continuously evolve in real time as you progress through Lithia's story. Lithia will periodically appear in different locations and poses within the room according to your progress, and you are also able to click on the various objects to display Lithia's thoughts about the object in question. Initially, it is completely barren, with Lithia sulking on the floor.
    • After completing Curse of the Wraith, a desk is added, and Lithia will appear to be working on a paper.
      • Upon clicking the desk:
        I studied at this desk while Joy read her book.
        When I studied hard, Joy would sometimes make me hot chocolate.
    • After completing [Village] A Bad Friend, an additional wall is added with one side of the door frame marked with chalk, and Lithia will appear bored in her chair.
      • Upon clicking the marked door frame:
        We used to mark on the pillar every time I grew.
        So this is how small I was when I stayed here...
    • After completing [Village] Hard Bargain, books will be added in the bookcases above the door in the previously added wall, and Lithia will appear pondering something standing in front of the desk.
      • Upon clicking the bookcase:
        Books on various subjects. There are many books unrelated to magic.
        Joy used to enjoy reading.
    • After completing [Village] Learning from the Dream, a fractured floor with Henir markings will be added below the rift.
    • After completing [Village] Arriving in Velder, more of the floor will be added, as well as a set of pickaxes on the shelf above the window and a set of Chrysona gemstones on the shelf and floor near the door. Lithia will also appear pondering something near the memory shards, on top of the Henir marking on the floor.
      • Upon clicking the pickaxes:
        Prototype of the Pickaxe.
    • After completing [Village] Rest Within the Rift, various items of interest will be added scattered throughout the room, including a suitcase below the shelf with Chrysona gemstones, a book and various research papers on the floor, and a chair next to a wall with picture frames. Lithia will appear sitting in this chair as well. The potted cherry tomato plant on the window sill also becomes interactable.
      • Upon clicking the suitcase:
        We were always ready to leave.
        When I packed up, I didn't realize it would become such a long journey.
      • Upon clicking the picture frames:
        A picture with happy, lovely, warm memories.
        You can't see from the picture, but I got on a box to match my height.
      • Upon clicking the potted tomato plant:
        A pot of cherry tomatoes raised for fun.
        The tomatoes look delicious but they cannot be eaten.
    • After completing [Village] Legitimacy, a door will fill in the door frame, and the research notes on the floor will become interactable.
      • Upon clicking the research notes:
        Map of Elrios, and some device and related notes.
        Joy's research paper. It's still difficult to understand.
    • After completing [Village] From the Oddball on an Adventure, a light will turn on in the room outside and shine through the door, which will become interactable.
      • Upon clicking the door:
        A familiar voice... I want to open this door and be together.
        (An image of Felix, Joy and a young Lithia will be displayed)
Date Changes
12/07/2023 01/03/2024
  • Beyond the Gap added.
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 틈 너머 Beyond the Gap

  • Lithia
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous
  • Lithia
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~21
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Other