Before Joining 2

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2:Before Joining 2

Before Joining 2

The Boy's Ontology 5
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The books the old man mentioned is deep inside the library and hard to find.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • After a long while, Add was finally able to find the books. The books in the 900s were at the inner most corner.
  • When he noticed the fire and smoke that reached to one side of the shelves, Add cursed and found the books the old man mentioned.
  • Add: Kugh, these are heavy.
  • The books that the old man wanted were four books each the thickness of the length of the index finger. The cover said [History of the Kingdom].
  • Add: This is why he wanted me to bring them. Damn it. The least he could have done was give me a cart to put these in!
  • Of course, he still did as he was told. With the fire spread everywhere, the fallen parts, and things left by the evacuated people, the floor didn't have enough room for a cart to pass.
  • Add lifted the four books in front of him. Not only were the books heavy, but the large volume made them difficult to hold. The held in front of his chest reached right below his nose.
  • With his lower vision blocked, he won't be able to see his feet. Add grumbled as he slowly headed out of 1st division.
  • When he reached the end of section C, he stopped. He wasn't sure what happened in front of him, but many books and chairs were thrown around in a mess.
  • Add moved carefully, making sure the books didn't fall when he noticed a familiar word.
  • Add: Hm? That's...
  • It was a short glance, only enough to recognize the word, so Add had to look back, slowly skimming through where his gaze landed.
  • As a result, he found a book titled [Deep Analysis: Debrian] at the bottom of the shelf.
  • Add: What's this? If there was a book like this, he should have told me.
  • Add wiggled to the shelf and tried to pull the book out.
  • CRASH!
  • The books in the shelf was particularly tight so he had to drop all his books to pull out the book.
  • Head Librarian: What took you so long.
  • Add: No thanks to you.
  • Add grumbled and put the books down. The librarian looked at the books and picked up [Deep Analysis: Debrian] that was on top of the pile.
  • Head Librarian: It's because you brought this.
  • Add: Yes. You know every book enough to list them from memory, you should have told me about it.
  • Head Librarian: You didn't think there's a reason I didn't mention it?
  • Head Librarian: This book has too many errors. It even got the most fundamental definition of Debrians wrong. How can you reference such a book?
  • Add: The fundamental definition?
  • Head Librarian: Many think Debrians are one race. This book is one of them.
  • Head Librarian: But Debrians are actually a group. There were many races of Debrians, including humans.
  • Add: Oh, you know quite a lot.
  • Head Librarian: It comes with the job. It requires to know many topics lightly, but when you do it for years, the knowledge tends to deepen.
  • The old man shut the book with a snap and placed it on the table behind him. Even though he made an effort to bring it, Add didn't feel like reading it after that description.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Boy's Ontology 6
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest The Boy's Ontology 5
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The boy asks the old man, who seems to know a lot about Debrians, a question.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Add asked the librarian.
  • Add: What do you think about Debrians?
  • Head Librarian: That's a broad question. Why don't you narrow it down?
  • Add: ... What do you think about Debrians being known as a criminal organization?
  • Head Librarian: It's already gone, what more is there to think about?
  • Add: You're too well-versed. In a kingdom that forbids all books on Debrians, you have enough knowledge to catch errors from a book.
  • Add: Then you must have some kind of opinion.
  • Head Librarian: I researched them once because I was curious. When you are young, it's natural to be drawn to forbidden or dark history.
  • The old man dragged a chair next to him and sat down. Add waited for him to continue.
  • Head Librarian: It was unfortunate that their knowledge had to die out, but I somewhat understand the reasoning for rejecting them... is my stance.
  • Add: ... Understand the reasoning for rejecting them?
  • Add scowled.
  • Head Librarian: Organizations like that, cause the public to fear them.
  • The old librarian massaged his calves. His eyes didn't meet because he lowered his posture, but he continued on.
  • Head Librarian: When you're on step ahead, you are talented. Two steps, a genius. Four or five steps, historic.
  • Head Librarian: But even more than that... Ten steps, and you're beyond an average man's understanding. And people instinctively fear what they don't understand.
  • Add: They became a target of fear because they were too outstanding?
  • Head Librarian: Being ahead, does not necessarily mean excellence. The incident and the organization's exclusive nature also influenced the negative impression of the public.
  • Head Librarian: They lacked the effort to walk with the era.

The librarian stopped massaging his legs and looked up at the ceiling.

  • Head Librarian: I believe that's the difference between magicians and Debrians. The ideals of Debrians differed too much from their time.
  • Head Librarian: As magicians searched for relics of the past and looked for their value in restoring them in the present, the magic that was lost after the great disaster that was the El Explosion managed to live on to present day.
  • Head Librarian: Knowledge of Debrians did not manage the same.
  • Add felt defiance rise within him. There wasn't a need, and it was in fact better if he didn't, but Add objected.
  • Add: Even if that exclusivity was for the protection of knowledge?
  • Head Librarian: That was the intention, but the result was isolation.
  • The librarian stared at the 2nd division. The fire that started from the neighboring building was starting to swallow up the 2nd division. As he looked at the collection of books that were becoming red and smoky, Add was strangely reminded of the fireplace.
  • Head Librarian: Everything will end soon.
  • The librarian pushed the chair back as he stood.
  • Head Librarian: I'm not saying the Debrians deserved to meet their end.
  • Head Librarian: The point is, if you don't walk with the time, the time sometimes turn their back on you.
  • Add: ... That's not limited to Debrians though.
  • Head Librarian: Yes. But the world remains the same no matter where you go.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Boy's Ontology 7
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest The Boy's Ontology 6
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The old man gives the boy the book that contains the information the boy was looking for.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
The Boy's Ontology 8
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the quest The Boy's Ontology 7
  • Clear 5 dungeons within level range (excluding Ruben/Henir/Ereda)

The boy gets ready to head to the next destination.

Quest Completion Dialogue
  • ???: -
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0


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