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42-1:From Beyond the Crossroads

Chapter 42-1: From Beyond the Crossroads

Eve decides to check up with Adrian, and for maintenance too, in order to catch up with the current life. However, despite them being the Nasod King and Nasod Queen respectively, Eve decides to go on her personal way as the Nasod Queen, despite Adrian expecting that from a self-learning AI.

[Village] What They Each Want
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives
  • Complete the Return to Elysion story quest
  • After pleasantries exchanged, Herbaon and Adrian are shocked to see Eve's current state. Add suggests Eve start recovering, but he seems to be hiding something...
Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Herbaon: Eve! You're back!
  • Eve: Long time no see, Herbaon. How have you been?
  • Herbaon: ...Wait a moment, you're seriously injured! You need maintenance immediately!
  • Eve: It's not as serious as it looks, it's just...
  • Adrian: Is that you, Eve?
  • Herbaon: Father!
  • Eve: Adrian...
  • Adrian: I was just about to ask you how you have been, but it seems you haven't been faring too well. Hm? And this is...
  • Eve: Oh, I didn't realize you haven't had a proper introduction yet. Adrian, this is Add. He wished to meet with you for a personal matter.
  • Add: .......
  • Adrian: ...With me? I'm curious to see what kind of business a man from Elrios would have with someone who has long stepped away from the public eye. No matter. Eve, perhaps we should continue our discussion after your maintenance.
  • Eve: Hm? Oh, it's nothing serious...
  • Add: No, you should look into it, since you've been in extreme heat, then in salt waters, your majesty. ...And I need some time to think.
  • Eve: If that's the case... I understand.
  • Adrian: Herbaon, take Eve to the lab.
  • Herbaon: Yes, Father.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Add: I thought you'd be treating her yourself?
  • Adrian: Eve already coded many parts of her system by herself. There's no reason for me to take a look. I have served my purpose when I told her that she needs to.
  • Add: ...I thought you wanted to speak with her.
  • Adrian: Yes, indeed... However, I sense you may have a greater reason to speak with me... As a descendant of Nasod Ruler, the Anti-Nasod Annihilation Unit.
  • Add: So you recognize me. I suspected you might be the founder of Nasod Ruler.
  • Adrian: Hackers and vaccine programmers are, in the end, two sides of the same coin. An ally or an enemy, it is all determined by which side they land. While I was pressured by the Elrian royal family to form an Anti-Nasod unit, the fundamental reason why I formed Nasod Ruler was to test just how far my children would fare against them.
  • Add: You shady old man...
  • Adrian: Any species without a natural enemy would lose its edge. Since the Nasod War happened ages ago, I assumed the Rulers were also lost in time... Ah, I see. So they've passed down the information by releasing the biometric data. You were lucky. With how small this is, the activation requirement must have been complicated, and there's a real possibility that it could have malfunctioned.
  • Add: Can you stop analyzing me? It's pissing me off.
  • Adrian: So, what do you wish? Will you use that power to harm Eve?
  • Add: I don't care about how Nasod Ruler is supposed to be Anti-Nasod unit or whatever. I'm only using it because it's pragmatic for my plans. I jumped time, and I'm looking for a way back. I've been looking for a useful energy source as time travel requires a lot of energy but... You should be able to give me the required energy I need. Isn't this also a good deal for you, since I won't harm your precious queen?
  • Adrian: The past? How far back?
  • Add: About 300 years.
  • Adrian: The margin of error will be great. Each transport will require a lot of energy, but you would require multiple trial and error in order to arrive in the right coordinates. Furthermore, there are many aspects of time travel yet to be discovered. There's no way of anticipating what would go wrong, no matter how prepared you are.
  • Add: I already knew that. Just tell me if you are going to provide me with the energy source and installations!
  • Adrian: Hm... A Nasod Ruler... I'd left Elrios long before the Nasod War began, so I've never actually witnessed how they fight.
  • Add: .......
  • Adrian: I will provide you with the required energy and installations. In return, I would like to collect your combat data. Show me how much the Rulers have advanced since I've last seen them.
  • Add: ...Alright. Lead the way then.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
ED 0 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
A Different Path
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

Complete the [Village] What They Each Want] story quest


After Eve's recovery, Adrian seems to have some words to share.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Adrian: .......
  • Eve: Adrian? I thought you would be with Add.
  • Adrian: He left as soon as he stated his business. He should be waiting for you outside.
  • Eve: That was unexpected. I thought you two would get along quite well given the interest he shows in Nasods. I should have known not to pass judgement before it actually happened.
  • Adrian: ...And the maintenance went well?
  • Eve: Yes. Elysion has plenty of materials and resources for Nasods, after all. I just need to work on some refinements.
  • Adrian: Let us do some testing then, since it will require fine handling.
  • Eve: Yes, I agree.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Eve: Output inspection complete. System all green. Everything is operating optimally. It's thanks to your lab that I was able to recover and test my functions so quickly. I've completed durability testing, so I should be fine in any environment.
  • Adrian: Eve... Must you leave again?
  • Eve: Adrian?
  • Adrian: I have left many things behind in Elrios. One of them was you. Have you thought about leaving the danger behind and staying here? Helping me around like the old times?
  • Eve: ...Actually, I've wanted to ask you a similar question. Adrian... Don't you ever want to come back to Elrios?
  • Adrian: Hm?
  • Eve: We had no time to talk last time, with everything that was going on. But... I wanted to ask you something when I met you again. Adrian, why did you disappear during the Nasod War?
  • Adrian: .......
  • Eve: If you were there, Elrios wouldn't have been as devasted as it were back then, and my people wouldn't have had to face such a tragic end. At first, I thought you left because you were angry at Adam... But now, I'm not certain. What were we to you? Were we just machines that you could get rid of if we did not follow your orders? Or... Were we a prototype to create this place?
  • Adrian: Eve. Do you remember my goal?
  • Eve: ...Yes, I do.
  • Adrian: Ah, yes... I've longed for a long time to create a world for Nasods.
  • Eve: .......
  • Adrian: I've dreamed of a world where humans and Nasods could exist together. That's why I made you. You were to act as a safety net for Adam, but also as a bridge between the humans and the Nasods. But the time wasn't ideal for you to grow. Adam was showing his true intentions and the Elrian royalty wanted a world with just them and the perfected Nasods. They wished to be gods themselves. Preposterous! Considering they weren't even bright enough to put together a first generation Nasod circuit.
  • Eve: .......
  • Adrian: Before Adam turned his back completely, I insisted he needed to be deactivated immediately. But they didn't listen.
  • Eve: Because all Nasods managed by Adam would cease to operate if he is deactivated.
  • Adrian: Yes. They did not wish to let go of what was already in their hands. Even when they knew they were holding onto a ticking time bomb. They demanded I create another way to control the Nasods. I followed their demand... and raised a unit that will destroy the children I have created with my own hands.
  • Eve: No...
  • Adrian: When the development of this city was at its final stages, I hypothesized that I could travel to different dimensions using the power of El. And arrived here in the name of 'testing'. Once I arrived here, it was made clear to me... That you don't need humans in a world of Nasods.
  • Eve: .......
  • Adrian: I did not return. I destroyed any means of communication, and continued to finish Elysion. I was the only human here, but there were hundreds... thousands of children. And... you know the rest. You've learned many things. Even things I have not taught you. Eve. Answer me. Do you think I've chosen the wrong path?
  • Eve: ...Adrian. Do you remember what you told me before?
  • Adrian: .......
  • Eve: I was so happy to meet you again. I was proud to show how much I've grown, because you've always believed in me and told me I wasn't defective, even when I kept making mistakes. I didn't understand then, when you told me that I have the soul of a Nasod, but the empathy of a human. And for that... I would be the Queen, who will bring those two races together. I thought I finally understood. But... what you are telling me now is different from how I have come to understand.
  • Adrian: .......
  • Eve: You've... given up on the world where humans and Nasods coexist, haven't you? Rather than persuade the humans, you've chosen to give up everything and start anew. You thought of me, my people, the humans you've worked with, and even your own dream as a dummy you could always reset and start over. A data that's been corrupted by a bug... A data that you regret you've lost, but ultimately can be made again. I don't think... the love you showed me and my people back then... was a lie. But that doesn't mean I understand your decision. You did not make the effort to change. You just chose the easier path to complete your goal. You've run away from your people. Adrian, I met with a human that was hostile to me. I've met someone who didn't know me, who didn't care... and even someone who tried to understand. Now, we all walk together towards a common goal. I do not want to give up on the possibility that we can understand each other, the possibility that you had initially taught me. Everyone who stands with me now, are all someone I've accepted in my world. I will never give them up, no matter what trouble lies ahead. As long as the things they shared with me still compose who I am, I will gladly dream of a world where I would be with them. The dream you have given up... I will achieve it in my own way.
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites Objectives

Complete the A Different Path story quest


Eve shares her goal with Adrian. Realizing she chose a different path, Adrian shares a last farewell with Eve.

Quest Acceptance Dialogue
  • Adrian: ...He was right.
  • Eve: Huh? You mean Add?
  • Adrian: .......
  • Eve: Adrian...? If I sounded rude, I...
  • Adrian: ...Eve. I still wish you would stay in Elysion and help me. You will be able to achieve your goal, even by my side. If you are here, Elysion would step even closer to perfection. There's enough room for your friends as well. Just like old times, if you...
  • Eve: Adrian, I am different from you. That's how you've created me.
  • Adrian: .......
  • Eve: I'm not trying to fulfill the goal you have given up. It's just that this has become my goal. This is the path I have chosen regardless of what you have taught me. I will take responsibility for my decision. It has nothing to do with you. So, if you truly wish me well, just... cheer me on. Since... our paths no longer face the same direction for us to walk together.
  • Adrian: ....... If you say so, there's really nothing I can do. Perhaps I should've seen this coming the moment I decided to make a self-learning AI. Haha...
  • Eve: .......
  • Adrian: ...Go. Go forth and achieve your dream.
  • Eve: Adrian...
  • Adrian: I must rest now. I've been awake for too long.
  • Eve: I understand.
  • Adrian: ....... When I wake up... I wish... to see the world you have envisioned.
  • Eve: ...I will make sure you can.
Quest Completion Dialogue
  • Herbaon: You're leaving again?
  • Eve: It was good to see you again, Herbaon. We will meet again soon, so no need to feel disappointed.
  • Herbaon: You're so mature, Eve. Even though I know this is not forever, it's still not easy to say goodbye...
  • Eve: Is that so? I'm sure if you meet new people, you'll get used to it in no time.
  • Herbaon: You think so? Oh, don't tell father, but... I've actually made a new friend in Atlas.
  • Eve: A new friend?
  • Herbaon: Yes. His name is Nono. It seemed like he wanted to stay in Atlas, so I couldn't bring him... But I go to see him often, so it's okay.
  • Eve: ...I see.
  • Herbaon: Wh, what's the matter? Did I do something wrong?
  • Eve: No, it's nothing.
  • Herbaon: Oh, okay...?
  • Add: .......
  • Herbaon: Um, Eve. Do you think I could travel around like you one day?
  • Eve: Of course, Herbaon. I will even invite you to my kingdom one day, when it's built. You will like it, I promise.
  • Herbaon: Really? It's a promise! Oh... But I still wish you wouldn't leave. Staying here...
  • Add: What!? Stop it right there! Queen, you're going to stay here!?
  • Eve: ...Calm down, Add.
  • Add: I don't know how you baited her into staying, but being trapped in this El forsaken place forever is...
  • Eve: Add.
  • Add: .......
  • Eve: Sigh... I already told Adrian I would leave. No need to overreact.
  • Add: O, overreact? When did I...!
  • Herbaon: ...I heard you refused to stay in Elysion. Father says stay safe and healthy.
  • Add: ...You should've said that first.
  • Herbaon: You're Add, right? He had something to say to you as well. He said, 'Even though the deal is off, it's only right that I give something in exchange for what I've received. I will provide the teleportation device and the energy source.'
  • Add: ...I don't need it. Tell him, 'I don't need your help. Use that resource for your stupid doll house.'
  • Herbaon: Mm, I'm not sure what you're saying, but is it okay to change the words a bit? It's a little... err... crude for Father.
  • Add: It's all because of your pandering that he's like this.
  • Herbaon: Huh? What do you mean?
  • Add: Tsk. Queen, if you're done saying goodbye, let's go. Our idiots are probably waiting.
  • Eve: Alright. I will leave Adrian in your care, Herbaon.
  • Herbaon: Just leave it to me!
Currency/Experience Common Rewards Selective Rewards
EXP 5,154,470 N/A N/A
ED 2,002,200 N/A N/A
EP 0 N/A N/A
AP 0

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