Chapter 42-1: Beyond Uncertainty
Ain partially awakes, but not completely as he relieves Hernia's memory, and so it's with himself. Ain meets the other incarnations, and he insists about restoring the El's power, but the incarnations causes him to be uncertain about if he can change. Hernia tells him an unusual advice, telling him that she ate a lot, to fill the emptiness she felt as she was fusing herself, and in the end chose to do something she could do. Ain decides to talk with the Goddess Ishmael, and affirms his resolve, causing him to wake up. He admits he's still afraid of change, but he will be fine if he thinks of the change as influence.
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites
- Ain awakes with the piece Hernia's memory that flows in along with El energy.
Quest Acceptance Dialogue
???: ...Not... Forget... Yo...
El Lady: .......
Envoy of High Priest: El Lady, it is time to head to the chapel.
El Lady: .......
Envoy of High Priest: El Lady?
El Lady: ...! Oh... I'm sorry... It's been difficult for me to focus lately...
Envoy of High Priest: It's fine. The fact that your individuality is fading means you are becoming closer to the El.
El Lady: (Closer... to the El... It's expected that my memories and my identity fade away...)
Envoy of High Priest: I will escort you to the chapel.
El Lady: ... Alright.
???: Remem... You...
El Lady: Ah...!
Envoy of High Priest: Are you alright?
El Lady: ... It's nothing. Just a headache...
Envoy of High Priest: If you are unwell, you should inform us. We can't have the El Lady fall sick.
El Lady: Yes, I understand. I am the Agent of the Goddess. I must complete my duty for the continued prosperity of Elrios... (... It's odd. I feel as if I'm forgetting something very important.) Pardon, but what happened to those who were by my side?
Envoy of High Priest: Do you mean the Priestesses? They are already at the chapel.
El Lady: (Priestesses...? Are they who I hold so dear in my heart?)
Envoy of High Priest: We must hurry. It's almost time to start the service. You must fulfill your duty as an El Lady.
El Lady: (My duty as an El Lady... A noble cause to look over the El that has become unstable... But a life that slowly fades away as the El absorbs me... It's to be expected. The moment I was chosen as the El Lady, my life was no longer my own.) ... Even so, I have chosen.
Envoy of High Priest: El Lady? What are you...
El Lady: After long consideration, I have decided to walk with them. Because I have not completed my duty... and because I felt they were still needed in this world. And because I, myself, wished to walk with them.
???: .......
El Lady: You and I are very similar. We both are bound by our mission, and that mission requires our sacrifice... But the explosion of the El was not within our control. We became who we are through circumstances that should never have occurred. If so... What are we... who've strayed from our destined path, and now walk the path paved by happenstance?
Hernia: ...Ain.
Ain: I need some explanation, El Lady... No, Ms. Hernia. Why am I here?
Quest Completion Dialogue
Hernia: When you arrived in Elysion, most of the El energy that sustain your body was gone.
Ain: (I did feel my power rushing out when the portal was activated. The portal must have used the El energy I have, to make up for the power when the gem didn't provide enough.)
Hernia: The El energy you have is not of any specific element. It's pure energy directly from the Goddess. It seems some of my memories were mixed in when I was transferring my El energy to you.
Ain: Were you the one telling me not to forget myself? Now, how do we get out of this place?
Hernia: Now that you're conscious, you should be able to wake up... but there must be something within you, preventing you from waking.
Ain: From within?
Hernia: The El reflects your will. Which is why I believe it is your own reluctance that's preventing you from leaving this place.
Ain: Nonsense! I need to get up immediately! I must check if the others are...
- CLING-!!
Ain: Kugh...!
Hernia: Ain!
Currency/Experience |
Common Rewards |
Selective Rewards
0 |
N/A |
ED |
0 |
N/A |
EP |
0 |
N/A |
AP |
0 |
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites
- Complete the [Village] Hernia's Memory story quest
The Messenger of God blocks Ain and Hernia's Way. The Messengers of God declares eternal expulsion to Ain who is still wavering.
Quest Acceptance Dialogue
Hernia: What is going on...
Messenger of God: Ainchase Ishmael.
Ain: ......!!
Messenger of God: The one to forsake his mission... A traitor to destiny. A being different from 'us'.
Hernia: Agent of the Goddess... like Ain?
Messenger of God: You are defective. Drown... in the depths of order.
Ain: What...?
Hernia: Ain! You mustn't lose hold of yourself! These beings are realizations of your doubts! They do not actually exist!
Ain: (These are my doubts? Does that mean I fear other agents of the Goddess that held the same mission? Me? Impossible.)
Messenger of God: You've forsaken the mission given to you by the Goddess.
Ain: I did not forsake my mission. I've only done what I must to correct he problems that arose.
Messenger of God: You gained something forbidden of you, and were swept away, eventually turning away from your mission.
Ain: ... The mission I was given was to add my being to the Large El to stabilize it... While I may have acted differently than I have in the past, I have continued to find a way to stabilize the El. The essence of my mission is still the same. Something's gone awry if the Goddess is not answering my calls... In order to resolve that issue as well, the El must be completely restored. And that can all be done without Elsword's sacrifice. Actually, it is best that the El Search Party is fully intact incase the El is...
Messenger of God: You wished to save Elsword even when it went against your mission.
Ain: That's...!
Messenger of God: You've been tainted. Though you say the essence of your mission has not changed, you are fully aware... That you, who have gone against the will of the Goddess, who have been in contact with Chaos, and call demons your friend, can no longer be considered our own.
Ain: .......
Messenger of God: Your faith is tainted. You prioritize your judgement over the mission given to you by the Goddess for the continuation of the El. This, directly challenges the authority of the Goddess. You, who have turned back from the Goddess, no longer have the right to use the name given to you.
Quest Completion Dialogue
Ain: (I have decided to do my part, not as an Agent of the Goddess, but as Ainchase Ishmael. But perhaps now, I can no longer define myself due to that choice. If the path I chose to separate myself as an individual denies my very origin... Then my decision to change... will lead to me no longer being myself. What could possibly lie at the end of this path? No! I'm not wrong. The fact that I still exist without disappearing is proof enough that the Goddess approves of my action.) I... do not regret my decision to save Elsword and protect the El Search Party. It's not something I should be condemned for. I did change. But it wasn't to turn my back against the Goddess or challenge her authority. I just... I just did what I believed was right. That I was on the right path. Elria also accepted my will, so I...!
Messenger of God: Do you truly believe that?
Ain: What are you...!
Messenger of God: Did Elria give you a mission when you went under her authority?
Ain: ... I...
Messenger of God: No other Agent of the Goddess experienced what you have. Yet, you readily claim that gods have approved of your objective. The arrogance of interpreting God's Will according to your convenience, that too, is something we do not have.
Ain: .......
Messenger of God: You are a traitor. You've changed, and can no longer be called our own.
Ain: (THIS is a mere illusion? These words that challenge the very basis of my being... How could it not be real?)
Messenger of God: You are no longer one of us. You are nothing.
Ain: (I thought I needed to control the repulsion that is innate in me. I thought I was doing quite well. But... If my decision to quell my impulse is the correct one... Why am I so uncertain?)
Messenger of God: You have no confidence in your choice. A choice without conviction is no choice at all.
Ain: (... My entire foundation is shaking. The reason why I feared straying from my path as an angel...)
Messenger of God: A human's faith is fleeting...
Ain: (Was because I didn't know how I would stand beside them if I were not an angel. And...)
Messenger of God: Therefore, it holds no meaning.
Ain: (I didn't know if they would still see me as Ain, even after I change...)
Hernia: ... Ain. As you have already witnessed, I have spent a part of my life as the El Lady.
Ain: .......
Hernia: When I was at the El Tower, I ate a lot. Whenever I had time, I would eat something. Did you know? I'm not a picky eater. The Priestesses often told me I would get sick if I ate too much, but I would still fill my stomach in any way I can.
Ain: ... Why are you telling me this?
Hernia: Looking back, I think I kept trying to fill myself up, to compensate for the emptiness I felt as I became one with the El... Later... even that feeling of emptiness started to fade away.
Ain: .......
Hernia: The more I began to lose my memory, the more I became afraid. I did not understand why I kept feeling this way, because I believed I was doing the right thing for Elrios. I thought it was because I lacked faith... because I wasn't ready to sacrifice myself. So I was torn, and was worried, and suffered. And when I finally made a decision... Whose decision do you think it was?
Ain: .......
Hernia: The decision was my own. I am the one who decided to accept my fate as the El Lady.
Ain: Even though you'd no longer be human if you become one with the El?
Hernia: Even when I slowly fade away and I am finally forgotten, that final piece that fades away will still be me. Do not be afraid of being afraid. It's alright to be afraid of change. It's natural to be afraid when you step away from a path that has been paved for you to finally be on your own. It's to be expected.
Ain: (This feeling of uncertainty... is to be expected?)
Hernia: That doesn't change that I'll be Hernia, and you are Ain. Even if we become something else, or if nobody remembers us anymore... It doesn't change the fact that we were there at that time and place, standing by their side.
Ain: (A life that was meant to be forgotten the moment I stopped interfering... However, they remembered my presence. The time I spent with them... and my name. Though it is a name given to me by the Goddess, it is still a name that denotes 'my being'... Even if I change and become something else... To you, I will be...)
- CRASH-!!
Ain: The place is...
Hernia: Are you alright?
Ain: ... I don't know. Is this fine? I don't know if this feeling of sinking endlessly can actually be considered fine.
Hernia: I think the reason why you feel uncertain is because you now understand other people's perspective.
Ain: Other's... perspective?
Hernia: You began seeing the world outside of absolute decree and blind faith, and began thinking about why instead of just accepting as is.
Ain: ... Which are all things I used to believe were meaningless... Thank you. Although, I could have done without the information of you not being a picky eater... It was rather helpful.
???: Ain... chase...
Hernia: Ain...? Is that?!
Ain: ... In exchange, I'll show you something you could probably do without.
???: Ishmael...
Ain: That's the embodiment of my uncertainty.
Currency/Experience |
Common Rewards |
Selective Rewards
5,154,470 |
N/A |
ED |
1,350,000 |
N/A |
EP |
15 |
N/A |
AP |
0 |
Quest Acceptance Prerequisites
- Complete the Messenger of God story quest
With Hernia's guidance, Ain composes himself and faces the embodiment of his uncertainty. His declaration of who he is against the voice that coax his return was firm.
Quest Completion Dialogue
Embodiment of Uncertainty: Ainchase Ishmael...
Ain: .......
Embodiment of Uncertainty: It isn't too late. You can turn back. Throw away all your impurities you have gained through your contact with Henir and come to me. You still have a mission to do in my stead.
Hernia: Ain...?
Ain: ... Goddess Ishmael. I apologize that my uncertainties have lead you to appear in this manner.
Embodiment of Uncertainty: You have gone against my will... Yet, you wish to return my power to Elrios. Hypocrisy is a human trait. You are an angel. The more you accept their trait, the further you will stray away. Yet, you will never be fully human. Something in-between an angel and a human... Do you truly wish to embody 'Chaos' itself?
Ain: I did think it might be better to just chase my mission as before, whenever my fear of change became too much. Looking back, escaping to my past wouldn't have been a concept my past self would have understood either. A choice that was available to me because I learned from humans... If that's the result of my choice... Then I will gladly accept the consequences. Goddess Ishmael... No, the embodiment of my uncertainties... I will not become Chaos. I am much too aware of myself to become a part of Chaos after all. I am the Agend of God, with a mission from the Goddess, and one who have now sworn to protect the Goddess in Elria's name. One who will endlessly transform beside them and guard them... I am Ainchase Ishmael.
Hernia: Are you awake?
Ain: ... El Lady...... No, may I call you Ms. Hernia? Thank you for your help. I would not have been able to wake up on my own.
Hernia: No, I'm sure you would have woken up eventually without my help. I just helped you get up faster.
Ain: How do you know? You... Ah well, I guess I did reveal a lot about myself.... Ms. Hernia. I did know logically, that my uncertainties were uncalled for, and that my future was not set in stone. You told me these feelings were to be expected. Looking back, I became unsure ever since I have faced Chaos. Observing human's behavior, judging, feeling uneasy... All that stemmed from Henir, but is now a part of my emotion. I thought I would be fine as long as I was certain of myself... But in the end, I was shaken to the core. If I have to feel this 'expected feeling' again and again, I may be swallowed up one day. If that happens... What will be next?
Hernia: You are constantly evolving. You are different from when we last met. The fact that you've managed to maintain your form, despite losing consciousness instead of dissolving into El energy, is proof in and of itself.
Ain: ...!
Hernia: Sometimes... I think it might have been better if I became one with the El to stabilize it. But... There were those who told me to stay alive. Not only Fenriart... but Master Ventus, Master Denif, the Priestesses of this time... Everyone... Because they asked I do not sacrifice myself... I can still live today as 'Hernia'. Now, I try to do my part as the 'El Lady' and as 'Hernia'. Ain, I have chosen to walk the path as the El Lady. I have accepted the sacrifice that comes with it. But now, I decided to continue on as Hernia. That may be going back on my word. It is certainly a change. This change didn't just happen on my own. I was able to change because many people talked to me. And some change happens drastically, before you even notice. Ain, are you still afraid of change?
Ain: ....... If I say no, I'd be lying... But if this change is due to their influence, I suppose it's alright. I may become unstable again... But yes, as long as I remember what you told me, I think I would be alright.
Currency/Experience |
Common Rewards |
Selective Rewards
5,154,470 |
N/A |
ED |
1,350,000 |
N/A |
EP |
15 |
N/A |
AP |
0 |
Character Progression
Other Media
- Region 13~18
- Region 1~6
- Region 7~12
- Region 19~22
- Laby
- Noah
- Lithia
- Other
- Miscellaneous
- Region 13~18
- Region 1~6
- Region 7~12
- Region 19~22
- Other
- Region 13~18
- Region 1~6
- Region 7~12
- Region 19~22
- Laby
- Noah
- Lithia
- Other