12-3: Dunkelelfen-Vorposten

From Elwiki


Dunkelelfen-Vorposten. x
Weg zum Dorf der Dunkelelfen. Strikte Sicherheitsvorkehrungen und gefährliche Fallen sind bereitgestellt.
Optimales Level

 Enemy DebuffEnviromental Debuff - Demon RealmEnemy DebuffEnviromental Debuff - Demon Realm

  • The El's power does not reach into this realm, Attack, Defense, and HP will be reduced by 10%.
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Grafik Beschreibung Angriffsmuster
Sentinel Chaser - A female dark elf soldier that specializes in traps and dagger based combat.
  • Triple Slash: Slash three times with her dagger.
  • Trap Set: Jump high into the air and throw knives into the ground. Stepping over these knives will hurt and stagger players.
  • Dive Strike: Warp on top of a player and dive straight down onto them.
Sentinel Ranger - A female dark elf soldier that specializes in ranged bow and arrow combat.
  • Arrow Shot: Ready her bow and fire an arrow forwards.
  • Backstep Shot: Take a backstep and ready an arrow shot.
  • Arched Shot: Fire a volley of three arrows in an arc aimed at a player.
  • Jump Shot: Jump into the air and fire a spread of three arrows downwards.
  • Arrow Rain: Charge a shot and fire it towards the sky, a volley of arrows will rain from above a player.
Sentinel Rider - A female dark elf mounted on a demon jaguar.
  • Charge: Charge forwards dealing damage to enemies in their path.
  • Tail Whip: Spin in a circle, swiping targets with its tail.
  • Arrow Shot: Ready her bow and fire an arrow forwards.
  • Jump Shot: Jump into the air and fire a spread of five arrows downwards.
  • Dive Strike: Similar to Sentinel Chasers, Sentinel Riders can warp above players and drop strike them.
Sentinel Tracker - A pink lion like creature that resides in the dark elf woods.
  • Pounce: Leap forwards, and pounce on targets.
  • Howl: Their howls will not do damage, but will trigger some seconds of Cooldown of player's Skills and burn 30MP.
Arrow Turret - The defense system of the Dark Elves, a specially mounted bow turret.
  • Spread Shots: The only attack the turret can perform is a rapid fire spread of arrows. It will fire three arrows in three directions, straight forwards, and 45 degrees up and down.


  • Due to being a mounted turret, it is incapable of turning around and is completely harmless from the back.
  • If use command attack to attack it from the back, it will be destroy in one hit (must right behind it and use command attack, the turret also need to have no action in order to one hit destroy.)
  • Homing projectiles will not lock on to the turret.


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Bild Beschreibung Angriffsmuster
Fae Panther - A giant black panther like demon. The Blue Guardian of the demon forest.
  • Swipe: Swipe its paw in front of it.
  • Charge: Charge forwards dealing damage to enemies in its path.
Sentinel Commander - A high ranking Dark Elf officer armed with her bow. She now has a new set of attacks.
  • Slide Kick: Slide forwards then slash player with her knife.
  • Trapping Arrow: Fire a spread shot in an identical manor to Trapping Arrow - Fungus. She can chain into this from her slide kick.
  • Advanced Backflip Shot: Backflip high in the air then fire two spreads of five arrow in a very similar fashion to Backflip Shot.
  • Arrow Rain: Charge a shot and fire it towards the sky, a volley of arrows will rain from above a player.


  • The boss will have Super Armor during all of its attacks.


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Bild Beschreibung
Demon Water - The luminescent water of the dark elf forest while seemingly harmless is actually harmful and will drain your HP and MP rapidly.
Spirits Vine Trap - Luminescent thorned vines that sprout out of the ground. If caught, they do small amount of damage but will inflict debuff that temporary immobilize targets and enable them to be hurt by allies too, They can be destroyed if they miss to wrap a player.


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Bild Beschreibung Angriffsmuster
Sentinel Guardians - The Sentinel Commander has called upon the Blue Guardian. She mounts the beast and prepares to fight.
  • Swipe: Swipe its paw in front of it.
  • Charge: Charge forwards dealing damage to enemies in its path.
  • Advanced Backflip Shot: Backflip high in the air then fire two spreads of five arrow in a very similar fashion to Backflip Shot.
  • Axis Release: Fairy Guardian will create a ball of darkness which will spread in four direction, to its side, above, and below it.
  • Traps of Ruin: Sentinel Guardian can scatter orbs of light randomly around the field. When the two perform Axis Release, they will detonate causing a chain reaction of explosions.


  • Sentinel Commander: Hmph, you think you can take us head on? You shall not pass. We will make you regret entering out domain. Come, Blue Guardian! Answer my call! Aid our fellow guardians!!!


Boss DropsBGM
Image Name Boss Character Stats
Nightmare Blindfold
Nightmare Blindfold
Sentinel Guardians

Face Accessory (Middle):

Adaptation +2%

Debuff removed when awakened. (Cooldown: 60 sec.)




Alternative Namen
Server Name Translation
South Korea 다크엘프 전초기지 Dark Elves' Outpost
Japan ダークエルフ前哨基地 Dark Elf Outpost
Germany Dunkelelfen-Vorposten Dark Elves' Outpost
Spain Avanzadilla de los Elfos Oscuros Dark Elves' Outpost
France Avant-poste des Elfes noirs Dark Elves' Outpost
Italy Avamposto degli Elfi Oscuri Dark Elves' Outpost
Poland Placówka Mrocznych Elfów Dark Elves' Outpost
Brazil Base das Elfas Negras Dark Elves' Base
