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|tab2=Mid Dungeon Dialogue (Start)
|tab2=Mid Dungeon Dialogue (Start)
{{*}}'''Aisha (Specter)''': ''Why... are you here?''
{{*}}'''Aisha (Specter)''': ''Dlaczego tu jesteś?''
{{*}}'''Aisha (Specter)''': ''What are you doing? The El is already restored!''
{{*}}'''Aisha (Specter)''': ''Chcesz zatrzymać przywracanie EL? Dlaczego?!''
{{*}}'''Aisha (Specter)''': ''You're trying to stop the El from being restored? Why?!''
{{*}}'''Aisha (Specter)''': ''Naszym celem jest pierścień, czyż nie?''
{{*}}'''Aisha (Specter)''': ''Our goal is the ring!''
{{*}}'''Aisha (Specter)''': ''Jeśli się nie pospieszysz, nigdy nie znajdziesz pierścienia.''
{{*}}'''Aisha (Specter)''': ''The El is already restored! Go find the Ring of Mimir!''
{{*}}'''Aisha (Specter)''': ''EL został przywrócony! Idź i poszukaj pierścienia Mimira.''
{{*}}'''Aisha (Specter)''': ''You won't be able to find the ring if you delay any longer!''
{{*}}'''Aisha (Specter)''': ''Co jest? Przywracanie EL zakończone!''
{{*}}'''Aisha''': ''What is this fog...? Ugh... It feels creepy...''
{{*}}'''Aisha''': ''Jak? Ta mgła… ech To mi się nie podoba.''
{{*}}'''Aisha''': ''Who are they?! They are using the same magic as mine!''
{{*}}'''Aisha''': ''Co to za goście? Używają tej samej magii co ja!''
{{*}}'''Aisha''': ''No matter when I get my power back, I will continue to become stronger. So, it doesn't matter if I get it back a bit later!''
{{*}}'''Aisha''': ''Niezależnie od tego, czy odzyskam swoje stare siły, czy nie, moja siła będzie mimo, to coraz większa. Nawet, jeśli miałoby to długo potrwać!''
{{*}}'''Rena (Specter)''': ''Why are you here?''
{{*}}'''Rena (Specter)''': ''Odpuść! Świat Elfów znowu się znormalizował.''
{{*}}'''Rena (Specter)''': ''You can just come home now.''
{{*}}'''Rena (Specter)''': ''Wszystko, co powoduje niestabilność EL, zagraża również światu Elfów.''
{{*}}'''Rena (Specter)''': ''The unstable El will harm the Eldrasil.''
{{*}}'''Rena (Specter)''': ''Możesz wrócić do domu?''
{{*}}'''Rena (Specter)''': ''We have already completed our mission. The El has been restored.''
{{*}}'''Rena (Specter)''': ''Lepiej nie popełnij żadnego błędu.''
{{*}}'''Rena (Specter)''': ''Yet, you want to undo the restoration and save Elsword?''
{{*}}'''Rena (Specter)''': ''Wypełniliśmy już nasze zadanie. EL został przywrócony.''
{{*}}'''Rena (Specter)''': ''You've been with them to save the Eldrasil.''
{{*}}'''Rena (Specter)''': ''A teraz chcesz zniszczyć przewracanie i uratować Elsworda?''
{{*}}'''Rena (Specter)''': ''...Don't make the wrong choice.''
{{*}}'''Rena (Specter)''': ''Zaangażowaliśmy się razem z nim w ratowanie świata Elfów.''
{{*}}'''Rena (Specter)''': ''Stop it! The Eldrasil is already back to normal.''
{{*}}'''Rena (Specter)''': ''Dlaczego tu jesteś?''
{{*}}'''Rena''': ''Hmm... Where am I...? All I feel is strong power of the El... I don't feel anything else...''
{{*}}'''Rena''': ''Gdzie jestem? Czuję tylko moc EL… poza tym nic.'
{{*}}'''Rena''': ''Is this... me?''
{{*}}'''Rena''': ''Czy to…ja?''
{{*}}'''Rena''': ''No. I'll save Elsword. ''
{{*}}'''Rena''': ''Nie martw się. Uratuję Elsworda.''
{{*}}'''Raven (Specter)''': ''Are you willing to make people suffer again?''
{{*}}'''Raven (Specter)''': ''Czy przy przywracaniu EL nie przyświecała ci myśl o odpokutowaniu swoich błędów.''
{{*}}'''Raven (Specter)''': ''If the El becomes unstable again, people will suffer.''
{{*}}'''Raven (Specter)''': ''Czy chcesz mieć znowu krew na rękach?''
{{*}}'''Raven (Specter)''': ''Do you wish to hurt others again?''
{{*}}'''Raven (Specter)''': ''Czy chcesz znowu zadawać cierpienie innym?''
{{*}}'''Raven (Specter)''': ''Didn't you want to restore the El to atone for your sins?''
{{*}}'''Raven (Specter)''': ''Jeśli EL stanie się niestabilny, ludzkość będzie miała duży problem.''
{{*}}'''Raven (Specter)''': ''Are you willing to put the blood of innocents on your hands again?''
{{*}}'''Raven (Specter)''': ''Chcesz, żeby ludzie stali się znowu nieszczęśliwi?''
{{*}}'''Raven''': ''...It's foggy. I can't see anything.''
{{*}}'''Raven''': ''Mgła… Ledwie co widać.''
{{*}}'''Raven''': ''... No, Elsword wished for a world where nobody will be sacrificed for the sake of others.''
{{*}}'''Raven''': ''Nie. Elsword dążył do świata, w którym nikt nie zostaje pozostawiony w potrzebie.''
{{*}}'''Raven''': ''It would be fitting for me as well to not to abandon Elsword.''
{{*}}'''Raven''': ''Ja też nie mogę pozostawić Elsworda w potrzebie.''
|tab3=Mid Dungeon Dialogue (Trial)
|tab3=Mid Dungeon Dialogue (Trial)
{{*}}'''Eve (Specter)''': ''Our purpose is to revive the Nasods.''
{{*}}'''Eve (Specter)''': ''Straciliśmy już zbyt wiele czasu.''
{{*}}'''Eve (Specter)''': ''If the El becomes unstable again, our revival will be delayed even longer.''
{{*}}'''Eve (Specter)''': ''Naszym celem jest odrodzenie się nazoidów.''
{{*}}'''Eve (Specter)''': ''We have already wasted too much time.''
{{*}}'''Eve (Specter)''': ''Jeśli EL stanie się niestabilny, odrodzenie się nazoidów zostanie przesunięte w nieokreśloną przyszłość.''
{{*}}'''Eve (Specter)''': ''나소드의 부흥보다, 하나의 인간 소년이 더 중요한가요?''
{{*}}'''Eve (Specter)''': ''Przestań!''
{{*}}'''Eve (Specter)''': ''우리는 우리의 사명을 잊어서는 안됩니다.''
{{*}}'''Eve (Specter)''': ''To przecież boli!''
{{*}}'''Eve''': ''... I guess I have become separated from the others.''
{{*}}'''Eve''': ''Wygląda na to, że w to miejsce nie dotarł nikt oprócz mnie.''
{{*}}'''Eve''': ''That entity looks identical to me... But it doesn't seem to be a Nasod.''
{{*}}'''Eve''': ''Obiekty, które wyglądają tak jak ja…ale nie są nazoidami.''
{{*}}'''Eve''': ''Elsword can be bothersome... But saving him won't interfere with my purpose.''
{{*}}'''Eve''': ''To wprawdzie namolny człowiek…Ale zbudzenie Elsworda nie zmienia niczego w moich celach.''
{{*}}'''Chung (Specter)''': ''Don't go another step, Seiker.''
{{*}}'''Chung (Specter)''': ''Nie możesz iść dalej. Seyc’rr.''
{{*}}'''Chung (Specter)''': ''If not now, when do you think you'll be able to save your father?''
{{*}}'''Chung (Specter)''': ''Kiedy chcesz uratować swojego ojca, jeśli nie teraz?''
{{*}}'''Chung (Specter)''': ''Don't you even want to save your father?''
{{*}}'''Chung (Specter)''': ''A może nie chcesz uratować swojego ojca?''
{{*}}'''Chung (Specter)''': ''The El has been restored. Forget about saving Elsword.''
{{*}}'''Chung (Specter)''': ''Idź i poszukaj swojego ojca!''
{{*}}'''Chung (Specter)''': ''Leave this place and save your father!''
{{*}}'''Chung (Specter)''': ''EL jest przywrócony. Zapomnij o tym, aby ratować Elsworda.''
{{*}}'''Chung''': ''Where am I...? Is anyone there?!''
{{*}}'''Chung''': ''Gdzie ja jestem?Czy ktoś tu jest?''
{{*}}'''Chung''': ''...! This is... my voice...!''
{{*}}'''Chung''': ''To przecież… mój własny głos?!''
{{*}}'''Chung''': ''Father always told me to follow my belief. Protect my friends, act on good will, and never give up. That is why I will not abandon them!''
{{*}}'''Chung''': ''Ojciec zawsze powtarzał, że trzeba żyć w zgodzie ze swoimi przekonaniami. Że trzeba bronić towarzyszy, czynić dobro, opierać się pokusom. Nie mogę zostawić moich towarzyszy w potrzebie.''
{{*}}'''Ara (Specter)''': ''오라버니를 되돌리고 마을을 재건해야 하지 않나요?''
{{*}}'''Ara (Specter)''': ''Czy nie musisz przyprowadzić swojego brata z powrotem i odbudować wioski?''
{{*}}'''Ara (Specter)''': ''Ara, do not neglect your duties any longer.''
{{*}}'''Ara (Specter)''': ''Kiedy chcesz uratować swojego brata? Jest on nadal demonem.''
{{*}}'''Ara (Specter)''': ''When do you plan to save your brother who has turned into a demon?''
{{*}}'''Ara (Specter)''': ''EL jest przywrócony. Czy to nie jest właściwy moment, aby przyprowadzić z powrotem twojego brata.''
{{*}}'''Ara (Specter)''': ''Since the El has been restored, now is the time to get your brother back!''
{{*}}'''Ara (Specter)''': '' Ara, nie zaniedbuj już dłużej swoich obowiązków.''
{{*}}'''Ara (Specter)''': ''Stop. We should go back.''
{{*}}'''Ara (Specter)''': ''Stój! Musimy wracać.''
{{*}}'''Ara''': ''Huh...? I don't see the others. Did I get transported to a different area?''
{{*}}'''Ara''': ''A to co? Innych nie widać. Czyżby pobiegło mi się w złym kierunku.''
{{*}}'''Ara''': ''I'm sorry. But I can't.''
{{*}}'''Ara''': ''Naprawdę mi przykro. Ale nie mogę tego zrobić.''
{{*}}'''Ara''': ''Being ungrateful and acting on my own interest is not something the Haan family was built upon. I will go save Elsword.''
{{*}}'''Ara''': ''Brak zadość uczynienia za własne przewiny i troszczenie się tylko o własne sprawy nie jest drogą prawdziwego wojownika. Udam się na poszukiwanie Elsworda.''
|tab4=Mid Dungeon Dialogue (Choice)
|tab4=Mid Dungeon Dialogue (Choice)
{{*}}'''Elesis (Specter)''': ''If we undo the restoration, we have to live the rest of our lives as the El Lady.''
{{*}}'''Elesis (Specter)''': ''Jeśli przywracanie EL zostanie zniweczone, będę znowu musiała żyć jako Opiekunka EL.''
{{*}}'''Elesis (Specter)''': ''It was Elsword's choice to protect Elrios.''
{{*}}'''Elesis (Specter)''': ''Elsword podjął swoją decyzję, by chronić Elios.''
{{*}}'''Elesis (Specter)''': ''Do you want Elsword's sacrifice to go in vain?''
{{*}}'''Elesis (Specter)''': ''Czy chcesz, żeby ofiara Elsworda poszła na marne?''
{{*}}'''Elesis (Specter)''': ''Do you think Elsword wants to be saved?''
{{*}}'''Elesis (Specter)''': ''Jak ci się wydaje, czy Elsword chce zostać w ogóle uratowany?''
{{*}}'''Elesis (Specter)''': ''Stop undoing the restoration!''
{{*}}'''Elesis (Specter)''': ''Przestań! Przestań niweczyć przywracanie EL!''
{{*}}'''Elesis''': ''...The fog is so thick! Is Elsword really here...?''
{{*}}'''Elesis''': ''Nie, nie wydaje mi się.''
{{*}}'''Elesis''': ''No... I don't think so!''
{{*}}'''Elesis''': ''Wszystko, jest we mgle! Czy tu ma być Elsword?''
{{*}}'''Elesis''': ''...Even if i happen to become the El Lady... I'll save Elsword!''
{{*}}'''Elesis''': ''Nawet jeśli zostanę z powrotem Opiekunką EL, uratuję Elsworda.''
{{*}}'''Add (Specter)''': ''What are you doing, Add? If you let the El be, you can travel back to the past.''
{{*}}'''Add (Specter)''': ''Dlaczego musimy ratować tych typów?''
{{*}}'''Add (Specter)''': ''Why should we save him?''
{{*}}'''Add (Specter)''': ''Add, co ty robisz? Jeśli zostawisz tak EL, możesz wrócić do przeszłości.''
{{*}}'''Add (Specter)''': ''It's not the time to save Elsword.''
{{*}}'''Add (Specter)''': ''Co jest? Teraz nadarza się odpowiednia okazja do osiągnięcia twojego celu!''
{{*}}'''Add (Specter)''': ''If you analyze the El, you will be able to find the clue to go back to the past!''
{{*}}'''Add (Specter)''': ''Teraz nie jest czas na ratowanie Elsworda.''
{{*}}'''Add (Specter)''': ''Wake up, Add! This was the sole reason you joined this joke of a party!''
{{*}}'''Add (Specter)''': ''Jeśli przeanalizujesz EL, znajdziesz sposób na powrót do przeszłości.''
{{*}}'''Add''': ''...What the... Where is everybody? Am I alone?''
{{*}}'''Add''': ''O, a gdzie wszyscy poszli? Nie ma tu nikogo oprócz mnie?''
{{*}}'''Add''': ''Hm... It looks just like me. But the reading, it's not a person.''
{{*}}'''Add''': ''Hm, wygląda jak ja, ale nie reaguje jak człowiek.''
{{*}}'''Add''': ''Hmph, it won't make a fool out of me. Let's go, Dynamo.''
{{*}}'''Add''': ''Tak łatwo nie dam się nabrać. Idziemy, Dynamo.''
{{*}}'''Lu (Specter)''': ''You don't have time for this!''
{{*}}'''Lu (Specter)''': ''You don't have time for this!''
Line 231: Line 231:
{{*}}'''Ciel (Specter)''': ''Do you want to repeat the same mistake and end up not being able to save anyone?''
{{*}}'''Ciel (Specter)''': ''Do you want to repeat the same mistake and end up not being able to save anyone?''
{{*}}'''Ciel (Specter)''': ''If the El becomes unstable again, you will end up losing your loved ones again.''
{{*}}'''Ciel (Specter)''': ''If the El becomes unstable again, you will end up losing your loved ones again.''
{{*}}'''Lu''': ''흠... 이곳은 안개 말고도 뭔가가 들어찬 것 같이 답답한 기분이 드는구나.''
{{*}}'''Lu''': ''Hm, nie czuję się tutaj najlepiej. Wszystko zamglone.''
{{*}}'''Ciel''': ''It's strangely full of the El energy. This must be the El Rift...''
{{*}}'''Ciel''': ''Sporo tu energii EL. To musi być szczelina EL...''
{{*}}'''Ciel''': ''Lu, they look just like you. They're loud and violent.''
{{*}}'''Ciel''': ''Lu. Tutaj jest kilka osób, które wyglądają jak ty. Tylko, że są głośne i agresywne.''
{{*}}'''Lu''': ''Huh? They are talking gibberish. ...Oh! They look exactly like you Ciel!''
{{*}}'''Lu''': '' Co? Wygadują tylko jakieś głupoty. Och! Jest też kilku takich, którzy wyglądają tak jak ty, Ciel.''
{{*}}'''Lu''': ''Come on, Ciel. Let's go save Elsword.''
{{*}}'''Lu''': ''Chodź, Ciel. Wyruszmy w końcu w drogę, aby uratować Elsworda.''
|tab5=Dungeon Victory Quote
|tab5=Dungeon Victory Quote

Revision as of 14:10, 19 February 2020

Hall of El

Hall of El. Elsword gets involved with the restoration of the El and becomes absorbed by it. The El Search Party enters the Hall of El to rescue the boy who is being absorbed by the El.

The El Search Party enters the Hall of El to rescue Elsword.
Recommended Level
Required Combat Power
Entry Requirements
  • 1 Player only.
Dungeon Layout

The mobs you will encounter will differ between the difficulty selected. Facing a different set of copies of each character.

Hall of El - Beginning
{{ {{}}
Monster Image Shadow Description Shadow Moves
Aisha - Manifestations of El taken the form of Aisha.
Rena - Manifestations of El taken the form of Rena.
Raven - Manifestations of El taken the form of Raven.
  • Reckless Fist Combos: He can perform basic Reckless Fist commands.
  • Shadow Step: Charge through enemies. Perform a strong thrust attack or throws fire bombs. Fire bombs do significant amounts of damage.
  • Wild Charge: Unleash a powerful attack using your fist.
Hall of El - Trials
{{ {{}}
Monster Image Shadow Description Shadow Moves
Eve - Manifestations of El taken the form of Eve. You will fight her alongside a Nasod Scout, then fight her alongside Oberon and Ophelia.
Nasod Scout - Manifestations of El taken the form of Eve's servants, Nasod Scout.
  • Zap: Fire a short range burst of electricity.
  • Pounce: Jump towards players.
  • Triple Mini Electron Ball: Fire three small electronballs.
  • Self-Destruct: Upon death, it will explode.
Oberon - Manifestations of El taken the form of Eve's servants, Oberon. Unlike the regular Oberon, his attacks will inflict hitstun.
  • Slash: Perform a single crescent slash.
  • Consecutive Slash: Perform a series of slashes.
  • Piercing Slash: Slash through a target.


  • Will not receive hitstun, however unlike PvP will still inflict hitstun.
Ophelia - Manifestations of El taken the form of Eve's servants, Ophelia. Unlike the regular Ophelia, her attacks will inflict hitstun.
  • Nasod Grenade: Fire grenades out of her arm.
  • Nasod Blast: Fire a single explosive shot out of her arm.
  • Nasod Fission Bomb: Fire a series of explosives out of her arm.


  • Will not receive hitstun, however unlike PvP will still inflict hitstun.
Chung - Manifestations of El taken the form of Chung.
  • Iron Paladin Combos: He can perform basic Iron Paladin commands.
  • Siege Shelling: Siege Mode Stance. Chung will primarily act like a turret and fire 4 shots straight forwards with the last one having shorter distance, but radial seeking properties and great damage output, Super Armor during the whole Stance.
    • Consider not being near a Chung as he fires the 4th Shot as the shot can make a full circle towards you.
  • Guard: Increases the damage reduction effect of all Heavy Stance behavior.


  • Once Chung's HP falls below 50%, he will cease to have super armor during Siege Shelling and will begin actively hunting you like other enemies.
Ara - Manifestations of El taken the form of Ara.
Hall of El - Choice
{{ {{}}
Monster Image Shadow Description Shadow Moves
Elesis - Manifestations of El taken the form of Elesis.
Add - Manifestations of El taken the form of Add.
  • Lunatic Psyker Combos: He can perform basic Lunatic Psyker commands.
  • Quicksilver Accel: Flash forward with enormous speed, pulling enemies in and executing an attack combo.
  • Stasis Field: Creates an electrostatic field that damages nearby enemies. A 9 sec. countdown will begin, after elapsing, will cause Skill Freeze and create a sizeable explosion which will deal considerable damage, then Stasis Field will be re-casted right after.
    • The Explosion cannot be triggered in the middle of hitstun, even after the 9 sec. timer runs out.
Lu - Manifestations of El taken the form of Lu.
  • Noblesse Lu Combos: She can perform basic Noblesse commands as Lu.
  • Stomp: Leap forward and smash the ground to damage.
  • Hunting Prey: Charge forward and gather enemies to a single spot.
Ciel - Manifestations of El taken the form of Ciel.
{{ {{
Monster Image Boss Description Boss Moves
El's Aspiration - The will of the El itself. A test to prove your resolve to save Elsword.
  • Maximum Dive: Summon Raven. Dives forwards to create multiple chained explosions.
  • Dimension Link - Guardian: Summon Eve in the center of the map. Summons a Nasod Guardian that casts an electron wave on both sides. Stand on the highest platform or the platforms to the far right or left to avoid.
  • Aceldama: Summon Chung in the center of the map. Fire multiple missiles into the air that rain down towards the ground. The missiles will be evenly dispersed across the entire map. Stand under the middle platform to avoid.
  • Suppression: Summon Ara behind herself. Channel energy to drop a suppressing force from the sky.
  • Saber - Extinction: Summon Elesis on the far left or right. Swing her sword and slash it forward creating a shockwave which will travel most of the map. Stand on the far opposite of the map to avoid.
  • EMP Shock: Summon Add on top of the player. Severely damages surrounding enemies by creating a powerful electric pulse field. It will burn 100 MP if it lands a hit and does not have the extended effect range of the original skill.
  • Triple Threat: Warp into the background. Summon Aisha, Rena, and Lu/Ciel who will all perform devastating attacks. Will have Hyper Armor when activating this attack.
    • Lightning Shower: Summon Aisha at the center of the map. Summon numerous strikes of lightning. The bolts strike a consistent locations. Always spawns in the center and attacks before Rena and Lu/Ciel.
    • Gungnir: Summon Rena on the far left. Throw down multiple spears, attack simultaneously with Lu/Ciel.
    • Rain of Chaos: Summon Lu/Ciel on the far right. Throws a demonic spear into the air and descends to the ground as a rain of spears, attacks simultaneously with Rena.


  • The boss has perpetual super armor.


  • Denif: Let me open the rift to the Hall of El. Are you ready? Good luck.
Image Name Boss Character Stats
El's Aspiration
El's Aspiration
El's Aspiration

Face Accessory (Middle):

Action Speed +6%

Add. Damage +3%

  • Oddly enough, Specter Eve's attacks will summon Ancient Nasod Princess Apple's Oberon and Ophelia instead of the Specter versions.
  • Hall of El is the first mainline story dungeon to use solely artwork for its loading screen.
Alternative Names
Server Name Translation
South Korea 엘의 회랑 Corridor of El
Japan エルの回廊 Corridor of El
China (Simplified Chinese) 艾尔回廊 El Corridor
Germany Els Korridor Corridor of El
Spain El Pasillo de El Corridor of El
France Corridor d'El Corridor of El
Italy Corridoio di El Corridor of El
Poland Korytarz EL Corridor of El
United Kingdom El's Corridor
Brazil Salão do El Corridor of El

  • Region 7~12
  • Region 1~6
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~20
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous