12-5 : Tour sanguinaire

From Elwiki

Tour sanguinaire

L'esprit les guide jusqu'à la source de l'énergie discordante.
L'esprit les guide jusqu'à la source de l'énergie discordante.
Niveau recommandé
Capacité de combat requise


Plan du donjon
  • Jusqu'à 8 joueurs peuvent entrer, avec un nombre minimal de 3 joueurs.
  • Seulement 3 Pierres de résurrection peuvent être utilisées.
  • Il faudra attendre 15 secondes avant de pouvoir se ressusciter.

 Enviromental Debuff - Demon RealmEnviromental Debuff - Demon Realm

  • The El's power does not reach into this realm, Attack, Defense, and HP will be reduced by 50%.

Phase 1 : Moros de la Flamme sanguinaire

Au pied de la tour, vous devrez vaincre les quatre Moros de la Flamme sanguinaire At the foot of the tower, players fight on a large ringed shaped map with four Remnant of Crimson Calamity, each with a unique sigil carved on their forehead. Players must fight and defeat all four of these beasts within a short span of each other. Failure to do so will have the defeated head reviving itself with full health. A UI will be added at the top of the screen indicating the HP of all four dragons, each HP orb marked with each dragon's corresponding sigil.

Phase 2: Crimson Soul

After defeating the first phase, the ground will collapse and players will find themselves in a subterranean chamber with a mysterious looking scythe. The weapon will move one its own wielded by a materialized apparition, defeat the Crimson Soul.

Phase 3: Crimson Calamity

The Remnant of Crimson Calamity have now wrapped themselves around the exterior of the tower. Ascend the tower and defeat the four dragon heads once more much much like in Phase 1, however their orientation is no longer a simple circle, but along the tall linear tower. During this phase, the Crimson Soul will also try to interfere.

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Image Description
Meteor Rain - Meteors will fall from the sky, leaving behind a trail of fire periodically. They are signaled by a purple beam of light.
  • These will only appear during Phase 1 and 3.
Crimson Soul - Returning in Phase 3, it can no longer be hit and will simply act as an obstacle. A mark will appear on certain players and it will spawn performing its basic vertical and horizontal swings.
  • Appears during Phase 3.


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Image Description Attaques
Moros de la Flamme sanguinaire (4x) - Quatre têtes de dragons gardent la tour.
Les quatre têtes doivent être vaincues en même temps dans un intervalle de 30 secondes sinon elles ressusciteront avec leur PV maximal.
  • Coup de tête : il frappe les joueurs avec sa tête.
  • Head Swing: Tilt its head to the side then slide across its portion of the map.
  • Fire Breath: Breath out fire in the area in front of it, leaving behind a field of fire for a period of time.
  • Chute de météores : il reste derrière et Stay behind and breath Meteorite into the sky, after that some Meteorites (3 At Phase one) aim for player drop from sky and leave fire behind for a period of time.
  • Fire Pillar: The Dragons will withdraw into the crater as a light will target each player, shooting a fire pillar from below which will remain static for 10 seconds and deal heavy damage, burning 30MP on hit.

Attacks highlighted in red bypass Invincibility frames.

Crimson Soul - A mysterious scythe located in the underground cavern. The power of the scythe cause it to fight on its own, in the hands of a phantom apparition.
  • Vertical Swing: The scythe will swing itself vertically towards the camera. Leaves behinds a flame trail which will inflict the Ember of Combustion/Retribution debuff.
  • Horizontal Swing: The scythe will swing itself horizontally towards the camera. Leaves behinds a flame trail which will inflict the Ember of Combustion/Retribution debuff.
  • Reaper: Slash the scythe into the ground at a distance in front of it, then pull it inwards. Targets hit are not able to move for a period of time.
  • Death Reaping: Its most powerful attack, it will warp to the center of the map and swipe left or right, charging a storm of flames. Whirlwinds will appear on the same direction of the sweep, these whirlwinds will juggle players above the attack range. Will begin to use after HP below 50 bars.
  • Memory of Crimson Flames: Once its HP drops below 35 bars, it will shield itself and become completely invincible while summoning various orbs on the map. Players must destroy these orbs quickly of it will regenerate HP proportional to the number of orbs that remain.

Attacks highlighted in red bypass Invincibility frames.


  • The lower boss HP , more attack chain will be performed. Also attack of each action will increase.
  • The Ember of Combustion/Retribution debuff will burn 5% MP per second.
  • Normally, the boss will only inflict the Ember of Combustion debuff, but while its HP is below 12 bars, it will inflict Ember of Retribution.
    • Ember of Combustion debuff will change to Retribution and the opposite will occur if its HP returns to above 12 bars.
  • While targets are inflicted with Ember of Retribution, their attack will heal the boss instead of harm it.
Dilemme de la Flamme sanguinaire (4x) - Les quatre têtes de dragons reviennent pour la phase finale, ils ont toujours les mêmes attaques.Les quatre têtes doivent être vaincues en même temps dans un intervalle de 30 secondes sinon elles ressusciteront avec leur PV maximal.
  • Coup de tête : il frappe les joueurs avec sa tête.
  • Head Swing: Tilt its head to the side then slide across its portion of the map.
  • Fire Breath: Breath out fire in the area in front of it, leaving behind a field of fire for a period of time.
  • Meteorite Drop: Stay behind and breath Meteorite into the sky, after that some Meteorites (4 At Phase three) aim for player drop from sky and leave fire behind for a period of time.
  • Fire Pillar: Stay behind and breath Meteorite into the sky with powerful roar. A light will target single player per head, shooting a fire pillar from below which will remain static for 10 seconds and deal heavy damage, burning 30MP on hit.

Attacks highlighted in red bypass Invincibility frames. }}

  • Lu : Mais qu'est-ce que...
  • Elesis : Préparez-vous au combat
Butins de bossMusique de fond

Image Nom Boss Personnage Effets Effets de l'ensemble
Flammes voraces Ces flammes brûlent tout. Elles seraient même capables de nous engloutir nous !
Flammes voraces
Ces flammes brûlent tout.
Elles seraient même capables de nous engloutir nous !
Flammes voraces
Ces flammes brûlent tout.
Elles seraient même capables de nous engloutir nous !
Dilemme de la Flamme sanguinaire

Accessoire (bas) :

Rapidité +5%

Vitesse de déplacement +5%

Capacité de saut +5%

Les ennemis se trouvant dans un certain périmètre subissent chaque seconde 2% de leur puissance d'attaque sous forme de dégâts. Les ennemis qui restent dans le périmètre subissent +2% de dégâts supplémentaires par seconde (20% de la force d'attaque max.) Non cumulable.

2 pièces :

Résistance aux ténèbres +100

Dégâts infligés aux boss +5% (Donjon)

3 pièces :

Résistance au feu +100

En cas de touche/si touché : dégâts +5% (Donjon)





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Noms alternatifs
Serveur Nom Traduction
Corée du Sud 홍염이 울부짖는 탑 Tour des Flammes pourpres hurlantes
Japon 歎きの塔 Tour du deuil
Amérique du Nord Crimson Tower of Howling Flames Tour cramoisie des Flammes hurlantes
Allemagne Blut-Turm Tour sanguinaire
Espagne Torre de la sangre Tour sanguinaire
France Tour sanglante
Italie Torre Sanguinaria Tour sanguinaire
Pologne Krwawa Wieża Tour sanguinaire
Royaume-Uni Crimson Tower Tour cramoisie
