Arc Glitter Guard - Same as the Glitter Guards that you have encountered throughout Velder. Only Appear in First Stage only.
Arc Glitter Panzer - Same as the Glitter Panzer that you have encountered throughout Velder. Only Appear in First Stage only.
Arc Glitter Sniper - Same as the Glitter Sniper that you have encountered throughout Velder. Only Appear in First Stage only.
Bloody Glitter Spearman - This is a stronger variant of the Glitter Guard that you have encountered throughout Velder.
Bloody Glitter Sniper - This is a stronger variant of the Glitter Sniper that you have encountered throughout Velder. They're now capable to use Backflip Shot after a shot.
Bloody Glitter Defender - This is a stronger variant of the Glitter Defender that you have encountered throughout Velder. When they attack with their shields, spikes will appear from them. They are now capable of reflecting projectiles with their shields whenever they are defending.
Bloody Glitter Dasher - This is a stronger variant of the Glitter Dasher that you have encountered throughout Velder.
Bloody Wyvern - This is a stronger variant of the Wyverns that you have encountered throughout Velder.
Bloody Uno Hound - This is a smaller variant of Uno Hound. It will use the same moves that the regular Uno Hound will and possesses much more attack speed.
Puppet Stone - These are the red puppets that you have encountered when you fought against Crazy Puppet. These puppets will move around and try to get close to you. When they are close, they will dance a little and explode, damaging players close to it and killing itself.
Bloody Glitter Bomber - This is a stronger variant of the Glitter Rock Thrower. But instead of rocks, this Glitter holds a case full of bombs on their back and is no longer immobile.
Joaquin's Hallucination (Crazy Puppet) - During this stage, you will encounter Crazy Puppet as a hallucination. It will attack only with its staff by swinging it in front or behind it, leaving a field of fire behind after swinging.
- Puppet Stones will be summoned in large numbers by these and if these puppets dance near it, it will regain HP.

Bloody Elite Glitter: Taker - This is one of the Elite Glitter that you will encounter. These Elite Glitters are now stronger and use Raven's combo that you have encountered in Altera. In addition to being able to pull off Raven's sword combos, they can also use Power Assault and Charged Bolt - Hedgehog in the same style whenever they have the appropriate amount of mana.
Bloody Elite Glitter: Ranger - This is the second Elite Glitter that you will encounter. Unlike the Bloody Glitter Sniper, these archers will be wearing green armor. These archers are now stronger and are able to use Rena's pre-rebalance combos of firing arrows. In addition to being able to shoot arrows like Rena, they can also use Assault Kick and Perfect Storm in the same style whenever they have the appropriate amount of mana.
Bloody Elite Glitter: Magician - This is the third Elite Glitter that you will encounter. Instead of shooting ghosts from their wands, they can shoot fireballs in the same method as Aisha. In addition to being able to shoot fireballs like Aisha, they can also use Chain Fireball and Gust Screw in the same style whenever they have the appropriate amount of mana.
Bloody Glitter Assassin - *Bloody Glitter Assassin: This is a stronger variant of the Arc Glitter Assassins that you have encountered throughout Velder. They are now capable of using Shadow Step with Shadow Piercing along with their regular attacks.
Zombie Glitter - As the name would suggest, this is a reanimated Glitter corpse. They will slowly move towards any player and attack by biting them.
Zombie Glitter Grave - Produces one Zombie Glitter at a time until destroyed, has an extremely large amount of HP.
- For each Zombie Glitter it produces it will lose a bit of HP.
Red Glitter Taker - This mob's attack virtually similar to regular elite glitters.
Red Glitter Ranger - This mob's attack virtually similar to regular elite glitters.
Red Glitter Magician - This mob's attack virtually similar to regular elite glitters.