Stigma Shot

From Elwiki
Fire a magical arrow to debuff enemies. Enemies hit will receive an additional 10% damage, 15% damage from critical hits and magical defense decreased by 10% for 10 seconds.
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Magical Defense Reduction increased to 20%


Class Level Required
Grand Archer 35

Skill Information

Mode Stigma Arrow (Magical) Number of
 Enemy DebuffMagical BrandEnemy DebuffMagical Brand MP Usage Cooldown
Magical Defense
Magical Damage
Received Increase
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. (Received Damage effect is additive to the All Damage multiplier.)
Critical Damage Received
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
PvE 1097% Indefinite 10% 5% 15% 10 Seconds 40 MP 8 Seconds
PvP 274% 5%
PvE 1097% Indefinite 20% 5% 15% 10 Seconds 40 MP 8 Seconds
PvP 274% 10%

Skill Traits

Powerful Stigma ShotRuthless Stigma Shot
Attribute EffectCooldownAttribute EffectCooldown
Super Armor added to the skill
Cooldown increased to 150%
12 SecondsSkill will cancel Mana Break
Cooldown increased to 200%
16 Seconds

Extra Information

Total Damage

ModeBaseHawk Eye/Arrow Mastery


Affected By Action Speed

Related Skills

Tips and Details

  • Ruthless Stigma Shot only cancels Mana Break from the skill hit, not the entire debuff duration.
  • If you hit by an attack that inflicts hitstun while casting Stigma Shot, the skill will get canceled, unless the Powerful trait is taken.
  • With Rapid Archer, it is possible to keep a target permanently afflicted with  Enemy DebuffMagical BrandEnemy DebuffMagical Brand, even when using Powerful Stigma Shot due to the cooldown reduction.


Date Changes
12/17/2009 07/20/2011
  • Stigma Shot added.
12/13/2012 -
  • Critical Damage buff is now a multiplier on critical hit damage (150% damage) instead of on the critical damage modifier (50% damage) making it much more effective.
    • A target inflicted with level 5 Stigma will now take 2.475x damage on a critical hit instead of 1.925x damage.
    • An increase of 65% damage on a critical hit, more than doubling its effect. (Pre-revamp is 28.3%)
  • Stigma is reduced to hitting 2 Targets maximum as Arrow Mastery passive no longer provides additional piercing.
01/17/2013 -
  • Adjustments made so that Stigma is fired more quickly.
06/04/2013 -
  • Adjustments made so that Stigma is fired more quickly.
  • Stigma now lasts 5 seconds longer at each level than before.
    • Level.5 Stigma will now last 20 seconds.
  • Stigma status can now penetrate guards and shields. (This applies to other status effects too)
  • Stigma status can no longer be extended by skill delays.
  • Stigma effect now cancels when the target dies.
11/07/2013 02/12/2014
  • Damage decreased.
  • All debuff effect\growth\time reduced.
  • Critical damage buff formula is nerfed, it is now back to the original formula where it only influences the critical damage modifier and not the full damage.
05/15/2014 09/17/2014
  • Damage increase increased.
  • Arrow is now classified as a magical projectile, meaning it can be absorbed or reflected by some skills.
02/05/2015 -
  • Movement Speed Decrease decreased.
  • Damage Increase decreased.
  • Critical Damage Increase decreased.
07/23/2015 12/16/2015
  • Penetrating Hit changed to be unlimited.
07/30/2015 -
  • Arrow fires bit faster.
01/25/2017 02/08/2017
  • Damage decreased.
04/27/2017 05/10/2017
  • Damage increased.
  • None
04/05/2018 04/18/2018
  • Damage increased.
11/19/2020 12/16/2020
  • Critical Damage Increase decreased.
09/01/2022 07/28/2022
  • Movement Speed Decrease effect removed.
  • Magic Defense Decrease effect added.
  • [Enhanced] effect changed to increase Magic Defense Decrease.
02/29/2024 03/27/2024
  •  Enemy DebuffMagical BrandEnemy DebuffMagical Brand Received Damage Taken removed.
  •  Enemy DebuffMagical BrandEnemy DebuffMagical Brand Magical Damage Received Increase added.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 낙인의 사격 Stigma Snipe
Japan 烙印の射撃 Stigma Shot
China (Simplified Chinese) 烙印一击 Stigma Strike
Germany Magisches Stigma Magic Stigma
Spain Estigma mágico Magic Stigma
France Stigmates magiques Magic Stigmas
Italy Stigma Magico Magic Stigma
Poland Magiczny Stygmat Magic Stigma
United Kingdom Magical Stigma
Brazil Disparo Estigma Stigma Shot