Système d'enchantement
Elsword, et comme beaucoup d'autres MMO, possède un système d'enchantement élémentaire. Des pierres d'élément seront requises, ce sont des eldrits. Il en existe 7 types : Feu, eau, poison, vent, sombre et lumière.
Les eldrits peuvent être trouvés dans en donjon avec une probabilité rare, ils apparaissent sous forme d'un cristal noir, ce sont des eldrits inconnus. Il est possible de déterminer leur nature à l'aide d'un analyseur d'eldrit en vente chez n'importe quel alchimiste.
Voici les estimations de probabilité lors d'une analyse :
Éléments disponibles | Probabilités |
Feu | 22.07% |
Eau | 14.78% |
Vent | 21.87% |
Poison | 14.68% |
Sombre | 13.20% |
Lumière | 13.40% |
- Les eldrits inconnus peuvent également être utilisés pour fabriquer des orbes auprès d'un alchimiste. Ils seront assignés à un élément aléatoire, et pourront être lancés en plein donjon. Suivant l'élément assigné, l'orbe aura un effet différent sur les ennemis (à l'exception de la lumière qui régénère les PV alliés). A noter que les orbes peuvent aussi être ramassés en donjon.
Enchanter une arme lui donnera la capacité d'infliger des effets à l'adversaire en plus d'une aura colorée. Enchanter une armure lui donnera des résistances en fonction de l'élément utilisé. Il est aussi possible d'effectuer un enchantement double.
Le nombre d'enchantement possible dépendra de la rareté de l'arme (normal et rare). Mais pour les armes de niveau 40 et plus, trois emplacement d'enchantement sont disponibles (élitaire et unique).
Les résistances élémentaires réduisent les chances d'activation d'élément contre soi lorsque l'on se fait toucher par une attaque élémentaire. Elles atténuent également les dommages des éléments subit (ex: le feu fera moins de dégât). Le premier enchantement d'armure attribuera 75 points de résistance, le second montera à 110 (si le même élément est utilisé). Le maximum est de 500 points de résistance pour chaque élément. S'il est atteint, l'élément concerné n'aura aucun effet contre le personnage.
Comment enchanter
- Parlez à n'importe quel alchimiste et sélectionnez Attributs magiques puis enchanter objet.
- Sélectionnez l'armure ou l'arme à enchanter.
- Sélectionnez l'élément pour enchanter.
Le nombre de fragment d'eldrit demandé dépend du niveau de l'équipement. Enchanter une armure demande largement moins de matériaux que enchanter pour une arme.
Le premier enchantement d'une arme demande autant de fragment d'eldrit que le niveau de l'arme divisé par 2. Le deuxième enchantement demande 1,5x le niveau de l'arme. Le troisième enchantement demande 3x le niveau de l'arme. Pour les armes de qualité unique, il faut ajouter 2 niveaux à la formule.
Par exemple, si l'on veut enchanter une arme de niv. 40 avec Flamme pour la première fois, il faudra utiliser 20 fragment d'eldrit. Si c'était une arme unique, il faudrait 21 fragments. Pour un second enchantement, il faudra 60 fragments d'eldrit.
Si vous voulez enlever un élément, vous pouvez le faire en ouvrant la fenêtre d'attributs, en choisissant votre équipement et en cliquant sur "Supprimer attribut". Note: Aucun fragment d'eldrit ne sera rendu.
Formule pour les armes & les armures
Cela dépend de la qualité de l'équipement: Normal, Rare, Élite, ou Unique.
- Si c'est Normal, retirez 4 niveaux à l'équipement.
- Si c'est Rare, retirez 2 niveaux à l'équipement.
- Si c'est Élite, utilisez le niveau de l'équipement.
- Si c'est Unique, ajoutez 2 niveaux à l'équipement.
- 1er enchantement [Niveau de l'équipement / 2]
- 2ème enchantement [Niveau de l'équipement x1.5]
- 3ème enchantement [Niveau de l'équipement x3]
- 1er enchantement [Niveau de l'équipement / 8]
- 2ème enchantement [Niveau de l'équipement x(3/8)]
Lorsque vous retirez des enchantements pour différents attributs, soyez sûr de TOUT supprimer si vous remettez un triple enchantement. Se tromper risquerait d'utiliser trop de fragments d'eldrit.
Équipement JcJ
Ces équipements sont définis comme des équipements de niv. 20, donc les eldrits nécessaires ne changent pas avec le niveau du personnage.
Exemple ici .
Capacité des éléments
Here is a full list of the effects of each element. There are two groups of elements; stacking and instant effect. When dual enchanting a weapon, you can only hybrid one element from each group. For example, you can mix Fire and Light, but mixing Water and Nature is impossible.
- Mobs can randomly spawn with 1 or 2 elemental enchants and they have a much higher chance of activating it. They can also gain magical or physical defenses.
- On harder difficulties they spawn more frequently.
Cumuler les éléments
These elements' effects can be stacked up to three times each, hence the name of their group. The afflicted will have a tiny exclamation marks on top of the status effect bubble which indicate how strong the infliction; for example, if a weapon has 3 fire slots and inflicts thrice successfully within each infliction's time-frame, there will be 3 tiny exclamation marks on the bubble and the burn deals 180% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds.
Attaque de l'arme = Attaque Magique + Attaque Physique (Sans améliorations)
Each element upgrade will change it looks.
- For Vent, Lumière and Sombre attributes, their forms from a little light(Lv1), then to a brighter light(Lv2) and lastly a orb of swirling energy around the hand(Lv3).
- For Feu, Eau and Poison attributes, a small flame of the attributes' color will form and envelop the weapon(Lv1), then to a bigger flame(Lv2) and lastly same as Lv2 but will change attack outline of each characters(Lv3).
Feu (Flamme)Fire drastically deals DoT (damage over time). Its effect can be stacked up to three times. Increasing its enchantment level raises its chance of effect and the potency of damage it deals. Fire is the perfect damage addition when up against enemies with massive amounts of health. Although deadly in PvP, this element has had a drastic increase in people who stack up against it since Veteran Commander was released. Fire works especially well with fast attacking characters and high base attack power, like Elsword, Veteran Commanders, and Void Princess. Ever since the Element Revamp, Fire can now kill.
Stacked 1 Time: Deals 30% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds. Stacked 2 Times: Deals 45% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds. Stacked 3 Times: Deals 60% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds.
Stacked 1 Time: Deals 60% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds. Stacked 2 Times: Deals 90% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds. Stacked 3 Times: Deals 120% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds.
Stacked 1 Time: Deals 90% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds. Stacked 2 Times: Deals 135% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds. Stacked 3 Times: Deals 180% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds. |
Eau (Glace)Water drastically decreases movement speed and lowers the enemy's defense stats. Its effect can be stacked up to three times. Increasing its enchantment level highly raises its chance of effect, and the amount of time the effects lasts for. Water makes it very difficult for opponents to escape in PvP. People tend to stack up against this the most because of how crippling it can be to them. Water works especially well with characters that utilize trapping, such as Grand Archers, Night Watchers, and Elemental Masters. It is also particularly useful for Luto Mode in Secret Dungeons, due to monsters having insanely high defense.
Stacked 1 Time: Lowers movement speed by 30%, and reduce opponent's defense by 30% for 10 seconds. Stacked 2 Times: Lowers movement speed by 45%, and reduce opponent's defense by 45% for 10 seconds. Stacked 3 Times: Lowers movement speed by 60%, and reduce opponent's defense by 60% for 10 seconds.
Stacked 1 Time: Lowers movement speed by 30%, and reduce opponent's defense by 30% for 13 seconds. Stacked 2 Times: Lowers movement speed by 45%, and reduce opponent's defense by 45% for 13 seconds. Stacked 3 Times: Lowers movement speed by 60%, and reduce opponent's defense by 60% for 13 seconds.
Stacked 1 Time: Lowers movement speed by 30%, and reduce opponent's defense by 30% for 17 seconds. Stacked 2 Times: Lowers movement speed by 45%, and reduce opponent's defense by 45% for 17 seconds. Stacked 3 Times: Lowers movement speed by 60%, and reduce opponent's defense by 60% for 17 seconds. |
Nature (Poison)Nature slightly decreases attack speed and deals slight DoT (damage over time). Its effect can be stacked up to three times. Increasing its enchantment level raises its chance of effect, and the potency of damage it deals. Although not as strong as Fire, the reduced attack speed makes it a good compromise for PvP. Many players have an absolute resistance to Nature because it nullifies the threat of getting poisoned after the time counter ends in the Transporting Tunnel: Contaminated Area and stops Magmanta poison. It also affects Sniping Ranger Entangle effect time, leading people to stack against it in PvP. Nature works especially well with fast attacking characters with high base attack power or characters that can lock combos, such as Lord Knights and Wind Sneakers. Night Watcher also benefits from this greatly, as it helps her low damage output while gaining an advantage over high speed opponents such as Blade Master and Infinity Sword. Like Fire, Nature can also kill.
Stacked 1 Time: Deals 20% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds. Lowers Attack speed by 8% for 10 seconds. Stacked 2 Times: Deals 30% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds. Lowers Attack speed by 12% for 10 seconds. Stacked 3 Times: Deals 40% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds. Lowers Attack speed by 16% for 10 seconds.
Stacked 1 Time: Deals 45% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds. Lowers Attack speed by 8% for 10 seconds. Stacked 2 Times: Deals 67% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds. Lowers Attack speed by 12% for 10 seconds. Stacked 3 Times: Deals 90% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds. Lowers Attack speed by 16% for 10 seconds.
Stacked 1 Time: Deals 67% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds. Lowers Attack speed by 8% for 10 seconds. Stacked 2 Times: Deals 101% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds. Lowers Attack speed by 12% for 10 seconds. Stacked 3 Times: Deals 135% of the weapon's attack power over 10 seconds. Lowers Attack speed by 16% for 10 seconds. |
Éléments à effets instantanés
These elements' effects only work once each time they occur and do not stack, hence the name of their group.
Vent (Pénétration)Wind ignores the enemy's defense and state reduce damage and deals 40% more damage from the weapon's attack power. When an attack activates Wind, the attack reduces knockdown by -10 (will take the lower value if the attack reduces Knockdown as well). Increasing the enchantment level raises the chance of effect. This is not stacked very much on most of the servers, although there are people who heavily stack against this due to player preference. This enchantment works well on characters with high damage multipliers like Lord Knights, Infinity Swords, Rena, and Raven. Combined with a high critical hit ratio, the raw power of Wind is a force to be reckoned with. Piercing (Lv1) 6% Chance of Effect Master Piercing (Lv2) 12% Chance of Effect Triple Master Piercing (Lv3) 15% Chance of Effect |
Lumière (Pétrification)Light petrifies enemies, stopping them mid animation leaving them open to attacks for a short period of time. Increasing its level of enchantment raises its chance of effect, and the amount of time enemies are petrified. In dungeons, Shock's effect will reset monsters' hit counter after it wears off, allowing for longer combos before knocking them down. Being petrified is similar to having Super Armor. Light works especially well with high one-hit attackers or fast multi-hit attackers such as like Blade Masters, Elemental Masters, and Code Nemesis. Also works well for Lord Knights. This element can be disruptive and can cause early knockdowns in PvP due to resistance against it. Unfortunately, it does not take a high amount of light resistance to cause this defect.
Master Shock (Lv2) 8% Chance of Effect, petrifies enemies for 2.5 seconds. Triple Master Shock (Lv3) 10% Chance of Effect, petrifies enemies for 3 seconds. |
Sombre (Voracité)Dark drains a certain amount of HP and MP from enemies. Increasing its level of enchantment raises its chance of effect and the amount of HP and MP it drains. Dark works well with all characters, but works especially well with characters that have multiple-hit moves (Blade Master, Infinity Sword etc.) or have long-ranged attacks that hit multiple enemies (moves such as Armageddon Blade, passives such as Enhanced Bowstring (except in KR) and Vibe Shot, etc.). Usually, resistance against this element is not invested by players for PvE, however it is still a very common thing to stack up against it for PvP. Gaining the exact Snatch amount (x HP, 30 MP in Triple Master Snatch intensity) is nearly impossible since most players and monsters have resistance towards all elements, although gaining even a small amount of its maximum value might make a huge difference for both PvP and PvE. It is often considered to be the best and most useful element for most cases for all characters, and therefore tends to be more expensive in the Free Market than all the other stones.
Master Snatch (Lv2) 8% Chance of Effect, drains 40% of the weapon's attack power as HP and 20 MP. Triple Master Snatch (Lv3) 10% Chance of Effect, drains 60% of the weapon's attack power as HP and 30 MP. |
Fragments d'Eldrit travaillés
Rare Element Stones that give various types of double enchantment on weapons per use. These are obtainable from events and potentially Ice Burners.
To use them, right click on them, then select the weapon.
Tout les attributs existants seront supprimés et remplacés par ceux du fragment d'Eldrit.
Dual Element Stones are non commercialisables.
IMPORTANT : These take DEUX elemental slots, NOT just one, so there are no special advantages in using these rather than regular elemental stones.