
From Elwiki
[Special Active: Strength]
Shape energy in bubbly shape and fire forward.
(Can only be activated midair)
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Damage is increased by 1.2 times.


Class Level Required
Laby 5

Skill Information

Mode Damage (Physical) MP Usage Cooldown
Land Strike Plen Ball
PvE 942% 4030% 200 MP 13 Seconds
PvP 323% 1378%
PvE 1132% 4836% 200 MP 13 Seconds
PvP 387% 1654%

Skill Traits

Heavy SuplenGigantic Suplen
Attribute EffectCooldownAttribute Effect
Damage increased to 144%
Cooldown increased to 120%
15.6 SecondsSkill size increased to 130%

Extra Information

Total Damage



Affected By Action Speed

Related Skills

Radiant Soul

Punky Poppet

Tips and Details

  • You will keep diving down until you hit a platform or the ground.
  • The orb will explode upon contact with enemies, as well as at the end of its range. Because of this, the skill can deal splash damage, allowing for high damage on grouped enemies.
  • The orb will follow curves in the map.
    • With the Gigantic trait, the orb can reach one platform above and below from where it is fired from.


  • suplen is a derivative of the Spanish verb "suplir", which means "to replace" or "to substitute", possibly hinting towards Laby replacing her sad memories of her friend with happy ones of Nisha.
  • In Korea, the skill name could be an intentional misspelling of 수플레 (Su-peul-le, or Soufflé), as it bears a very close resemblance to 슈플렝 (Syu-peul-leng) and Laby has a bit of a habit of mispronouncing words she doesn't quite understand, and multiple other skills and attacks also reference desserts of some kind.
    • The ball projectile's damage step is likewise just called 플렝 볼 (Peul-leng Bol), using the latter two characters of the word, which don't mean anything on their own.
    • A soufflé is a baked egg-based dish.


Date Changes
12/06/2018 01/03/2019
  • Suplen added.
04/28/2022 05/25/2022
  • Travel range and size increased.
  • Plen Ball damage increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 슈플렝 Suplen
(Possible misspelling of) Soufflé
Japan スプリング Spring
Germany Schupleng Shupleng
France Ka-peng
Poland Ha-Pleng