Hope Bridge/zh-hans

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怪物图片 怪物介绍
暗黑格雷特近卫兵 - 除了头上有角,灰色皮肤,穿着黄金甲,拿着一把锋利的枪,动作速度快打人更痛以外,其余和沛塔格雷特长矛兵相同。
暗黑格雷特护卫 - 除了头上有角,灰色皮肤,穿着黄金甲,拿着一把发光的盾,攻击更加频繁以外,其余和沛塔格雷特盾牌兵相同。
暗黑格雷特突击兵 - 除了头上有角,灰色皮肤,穿着黄金甲,拿着一把发光的锤子,当你靠近他的时候会自动靠近你并攻击你以外,其余和沛塔格雷特突击兵相同。(小心锤子,被他的锤子砸中会阻断你的连招。)
暗黑格雷特狙击兵 - 除了头上有角,灰色皮肤,穿着黄金甲,拿着一把闪亮的弓,攻击速度更快,攻击平率更高以外,其余和沛塔格雷特狙击兵相同。
格雷特指挥官 - 一直比较魁梧雄壮的格雷特——他能够使得格雷特们保持一个阵型,并使得格雷特们在一段时间内奋勇杀敌。他有一把短刀,不过在他变成光杆司令以后他才会用短刀攻击。
暗黑格雷特暗杀兵 - 穿成忍着装扮的格雷特士兵。这些格雷特士兵的特点是——动作快,移动距离短,会向前滚过来攻击你。在他被击倒时他会起身丢出炸弹把你击倒并滚到一边。
高卡速龙 - 一种体型巨大的,鸡一样的动物。头上会放出激光——被激光打到会造成多下伤害,且在放出激光的时候他保持霸体。此外的攻击方式就只有啄击了。
双足飞龙 - 身上有棕色斑点的两翼飞龙。和沛塔的飞龙相比攻击方式都差不多,但是双足飞龙吐出的是火焰而沛塔的飞龙吐出的是超声波。
暗精灵侦察兵 - 一种黑色皮肤的精灵。这种精灵虽然看起来弱不禁风但是能够轻松断掉你的连击。要对付他们,你必须要打上10%以上的命中。这些精灵们会在近战的时候使用匕首刺击你,在远处的时候会射出一发强力箭矢或是三连射。
淘气血力包 - 和沛塔淘气魔力包相似,只不过他会一下吸走你现有HP的40%。你在被它吸走HP后打倒它将会获得立马恢复50%HP的物品。你可以在没HP的时候用它来巧妙的回复HP。
Mini Boss:

Stealthy Morfos - A Sadomasochistic Glitter.
-Melee Combo: Morfos slashes, grabs then stabs you. (Stab is poisonous)
-Crescent Slash: Morfos jumps foward then does a downward 180 degree slash.
-Bomb Spray: Morfos does a backflip, throwing three bombs at a wide angle on the ground.
-Hypersonic Stab: Morfos does a horizontal dash across the screen followed by a powerful slash if you're caught in the path. Like the original Hypersonic Stab, getting caught by this attack with teammates nearby can be fatal. Although this is his special attack, he has no MP gauge and can therefore use this skill at will.
-Trap: Morfos has a chance of placing a bomb when rising from being knocked down (poisonous).


Barricades - These barricades merely block you way.


Chloe - Apparent Leader of the Dark Elves; high evasion stat. High accuracy recommended.

  • Has NPC version of evasion, if triggered she will automatically 'dodge' all other attacks from the player for several seconds. An accuracy of at least 10% is required to completely counter this.

-Twin Shot: 2 arrows, one aimed forward and another upward, sprayed in one shot.
-3 Shot Combo: 2 shots followed by a Spray Shot.
-Ariel Bomber: High jump across the screen, shooting an arrow downwards that explodes on impact.
-Slash: Chloe draws her knife and quickly slashes her enemies twice.
-Tumble: A defensive move where Chloe backflips several times. During this move she is invulnerable.
-Summoning Call: Chloe summons 4 Dark Elves, usually when all the others have been defeated. When she does, she will jump to an unreachable platform, say a few words, and then her Dark Elves will drop into the room. Chloe will then drop from the sky afterwards on the left hand side of the far right upper platform (she may call them while in middle of combo to avoid you)

-Has extremely high resistance to Ice and Wind. Freezing from Blizzard Shower or Freezing Arrow - Sting/Drizzle will only last for 10% of the usual duration. (basically 0.2 - 0.5 sec)

-Take out the minions in the room first to set a 1-on-1 situation, or leave one alive to lower the chance of her summoning more. Alternatively, you can have one party mate distract the minions and bring them to one side of the room while everyone else dishes out against Chloe.

Boss Drops: BGMs:
Image Name Boss Character Stats
Floating Stone Epaulette
Floating Stone Epaulette
Teach the Tyrant

Accessory (Arm):

Physical Attack +18

Magical Attack +18

Physical Defense +18

Magical Defense +18

[Unidentified * ?]

Action Speed +1%






Blade Master in 5-2 VERY HARD MODE

  • Chloe does not undergo a death animation when defeated. Instead, her bow will fall off, she will hold her arm, say something and then jump high into the air and out of reach. The same applies to her later encounters.


  • Region 1~6
  • Region 7~12
  • Region 13~18
  • Region 19~20
  • Laby
  • Noah
  • Lithia
  • Other
  • Miscellaneous