
From Elwiki


姓名 蕾娜
职业 游侠
攻击方式 弓箭与体术
年龄 不详
转职 游侠 > 狙击者 > 守护者
游侠 > 冲锋者 > 风行者
游侠 > 猎杀者 > 夜袭者
声优 정미숙 Jeong Mi Sok
堀江 由衣 Horie Yui
File:Bresil Flag.png Jullie Vasconcelos
开放日期 22 May 2007
8 December 2010
March 16th, 2011



Rena is a marksman with ranged weapons but can call on the elements to fuel her magic attacks as well. When cornered though, she has no problem striking enemies with her awesome kicks. She also has the ability to seemingly fly through the air with her double jump.


Main Article: Nature's Spirit
Rena is able to summon Nature orbs to assist her in battle. These orbs allow Rena increase combo potential and buff her mobility. In addition, Rena is able to double-jump, shoot arrows from her bow, and charge Mana.


Rena is an elf living in the mortal world. Her place in this world is jeopardized by the weakening of El, the power gems that energize everything including the connection to her home world. If this power fades the ties that bind the two planes will vanish as will Rena herself. She uses her abilities as a Ranger to protect the El and her friends.


Three of the Subclasses you can choose from.

Rena is required to be Lv15 to begin her first class advancement.


  1. Complete 2-4 in any difficulty.
  2. Eliminate 7 Mickeys in 2-3 on Very Hard.
  3. Speak to Hoffman in Elder.
  4. Complete 2-4 on Hard.

After completing the Ranger quest chain, Rena can decide between advancing as Sniping Ranger, Combat Ranger, or Trapping Ranger.

Click job names below to see what must be done after advancing to Ranger.
Sniping Ranger Combat Ranger Trapping Ranger


Skill Tree: Ranger CN


Combo Description Damage Multiplier
Basic 4 kick combo . 120%(P) + 140%(P) + 140%(P) + 200%(P)
Basic 3 kick combo, followed by a upperkick that sends targets quite a distance. 120%(P) + 140%(P) + 140%(P) + 240%(P)
Basic 3 kick combo, followed by a quick dodge behind targets and shooting a arrow that knocks targets down. 110%(P) + 130%(P) + 130%(P) + 190%(M)[6MP]
Fires 2 arrows, followed by a backflip and shooting 2 shots and ending the combo with a final shot that knocks targets down. 170%(M)[3MP] + 170%(M)[3MP] + (2)100%(M)[6MP] + 250%(M)[3MP]
Fires 2 arrows, followed by a backflip and shooting 2 shots and ending the combo with a upwards shot of 3 arrows. 170%(M)[3MP] + 170%(M)[3MP] + (2)100%(M)[6MP] + 210%(M) and (2)170%(M)[15MP]
Fires 2 arrows, followed by a backflip and shooting 2 shots and ending the combo with a downwards shot of 3 arrows. 170%(M)[3MP] + 170%(M)[3MP] + (2)100%(M)[6MP] + 210%(M) and (2)170%(M)[12MP]
Single jump kick. 120%(P)
Single jump shot. 170%(M)[3MP]
Slides into targets and kicks them up into the air. 130%(P) + 200%(P)
Dodge behind targets and shoot an arrow that knocks targets down. 170%(M)[6MP]
While in midair, do a forward kick. After landing on the ground, Rena will still continue running as you are holding .
  • 7/4/2013 KR
    • This combo will no longer knock down and push targets instead gives hit stun.
While in midair, shoots 2 arrows and ends the combo with a shot of 3 arrows. 170%(M)[3MP] + 170%(M)[4MP] + (3)220%(M)[12MP]
While double jumping, does a diving kick downwards. 220%(P)
While double jumping, shoots down three arrows that spread apart. 170%(M)





  • 蕾娜因为一对巨乳而闻名,她跳的时候或者跑动的时候你们就可以看到她的胸部在晃动。例如狙击者的非战斗状态站姿,猎杀者的预告片里也有其晃胸的镜头(前5秒)。当然,在二转转职后——蕾娜的胸部显著的又变大了。
    • ElType中的主线故事里,爱莎曾经嫉妒过蕾娜的乳量,在第四话的故事里,爱莎对转职成元素导师以后胸部还是可以停飞机而感到不满后——撞见了转职成守护者(胸大到吓人)的蕾娜。
  • 蕾娜是个万金油一般的人物,她可以使用弓箭作为远程武器,可以用踢人造成物理伤害,还有自然加成,甚至还有火魔法(凤凰冲击)。守护者拥有冰魔法(极寒之箭),猎杀者拥有一把剑而且和守护者一样可以安置陷阱。说多一点,蕾娜拥有不输给任何一个角色的连招能力、攻击力、增益减益、敏捷、防御力、魔法抗性甚至拥有法力回复(站着不动可回MP)。
  • 蕾娜的年龄——不详,这个看她的外表还真看不出来。精灵们活的时间能比人类活的时间长上很多很多——在Eltype第一话里,蕾娜说,当她还在艾索德和爱莎那个年纪的时候——他们爷爷的爷爷的爷爷都还没出生。
    • 甚至当她经常的说起她的年龄(例:ElType以及几次在副本里说——“我还很年轻呢!”“我还活力四射吗?我想是的!”),这预示了他担心周围的人说她太老。
    • 千万不要问女人“你多大了”。——编者
  • 蕾娜的“背景故事”不是讲述自己的性格之类的——她的背景故事是代表整个种族的。
  • 根据雷文的说法,蕾娜的样子酷似她的未婚妻,塞莉丝。
  • 在游戏开发期间,蕾娜起初叫做“利乐”,这个名字来自于KOG开发的另一款名叫《永恒冒险》的大型多人在线游戏中的同名人物。
    • 因为这两个游戏分别由两家公司代理,所以这个想法最终因为版权问题而废弃了。不过仍然可以在游戏的核心文件中找到它的痕迹,比如在和蕾娜相关的kom后缀脚本文件里,她的名字就是“利乐”而不是“蕾娜”。
  • 艾索德爱莎一样,蕾娜的武器在人物觉醒后有一点小变化。
  • 在韩服2013年12月13日的调整之中,蕾娜的箭射中回复的MP和射箭消耗的MP持平。
