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< PvP
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Template:Development/zh-hans 和大部分MMO网游相同的是,艾尔之光也拥有让玩家与玩家之间进行切磋的对战系统(俗称PvP)。








  • 练习频道: 顾名思义,练习用的频道。在这个频道所属的对战里,MP回复量要比平常快很多,同时无竞技时间限制与打倒人数限制。所有玩家的数据(除去魔法石镶嵌的)将被强制调成统一水平。因为HP也被强制统一的关系,有些技能是一下就能够直接秒人的——例如能量喷涌(俗称天惩)和卡欧波加的痛楚(俗称卡痛)。
  • 自由频道: 和正式对战很像,但是所有玩家的数据(除去魔法石镶嵌的)也将被强制调成统一水平。自由频道拥有更多的模式与选项,例如个人战或团队战,道具战或者能力战,比赛时间规定等等。
  • 比赛频道: 和上面两个频道不同的是,这个频道只有在官方举办赛事的时候开启,而且只有GM和参赛选手能够进入。关于这个频道的具体设置,我们无从知晓。


  • 团队竞技: A battle that gives each player one life. There must be the same amount of members on each team in order to start. This mode does not exist in the Free Channel.
  • 团队死斗: A battle that gives team points depending on the number of kills for each team. There can be an uneven amount of players on each team, but the team with less players will be granted a damage, awakening charge, and MP buff.
  • 生存挑战: A free-for-all. The player with the most kills in the battle wins. This mode favors the usage of large area-of-effect skills, such as Generate Black Hole and Wind Ward.


  • Item Mode: Allows random items to appear on the battlefield which can change the tide of the battle.
  • Power Mode: Disables random items from appearing.

NOTE: Survival rooms cannot be changed to Power Mode, they can only be created in Item Mode.


  • Room Name: Allows you to title your room. You can also edit the room name after creating the room by clicking in the text box at the top of the screen.
  • Playtime: Allows you to set how long the match will last. The minimum time you can choose is 200 seconds, while the maximum is 1100 seconds. Team Matches only allow a maximum of 400 seconds.
  • Kills: The number of kills needed in a Team Death Match or Survival Battle in order to win. The maximum kills allowed in Team Death Match is 28, and 12 in Survival. This option does not appear for Team Match.
  • Number of Players: After creating the room, you may click on character slots to open or close them. In Team/Team Death Match, only an even number of player slots can be opened/closed.
  • Private Room Option: Normally, your room is completely open to anyone who decides to join. By checking the mark next to the lock icon, your room will become private, and users will be required to enter a password before they can join. The password can be any length from 1 to 12 characters, so long as it is only letters and numbers. This can also be changed from inside the room by clicking on the lock next to the room title.
  • Map Select: The Room Leader can click this button after creating the room to choose which map the fight will take place on. If a map is not selected, the map will be chosen randomly once the match begins.
Map select









You're able to find out what your AP gain is in 3 vs 3 as well. Your dividend is your AP gain during that game. What's left is for you to determine the divisor. The divisor is the average of your assists and kills, summed with 4 (if you won) or 1 (if you lost). If you're confused by how this goes, use this example: (AP gain: 555. Kills: 3. Assists: 4. Did you win? Yes. Dividend = 555. Divisor = ((3 + 4)/2) + 4 = 7.5. 555/7.5 = 74 AP Tier)

对战排名 File:RangoE.png File:RangoD.png File:RangoC.png File:RangoB.png File:RangoA.png File:RangoS.png
所需AP等级 20 22 30 38 46 56 66 78



You can use the AP you obtain from Arena matches to purchase special items from Camilla. Below are some of the items you can get:

Basic Magic Stones

Name Description Image Cost
Magic Stone Used to socket weapons and armor with a random stat.
1000 ED

150 AP

Advanced Magic Stone Used to socket weapons and armor with a random stat, with a higher chance of better values than a basic Magic Stone.
1000 ED

450 AP

Enhancement Stones and El Shards

Name Description Image Cost
Blessed Weapon Enhancement Stone Used to enhance weapons of any level.
1000 ED

450 AP

Blessed Armor Enhancement Stone Used to enhance armor of any level.
1000 ED

100 AP

El Shard (Mystery) Used to apply random attributes to weapons and armor. They can also be identified into specific elemental shards with items from the Alchemists.
1000 ED

500 AP

Stat-Specific Magic Stones

Name Description Image Cost and Requirements
Sparring Magic Stone [Additional Damage] Sockets your equipment with Additional Damage (Match-only)
1000 ED

606 AP
S Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Damage Reduction] Sockets your equipment with Damage Reduction (Match-only)
1000 ED

606 AP
S Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Awakening Time] Sockets your equipment with Awakening Time (Match-only)
1000 ED

294 AP
D Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [HP] Sockets your equipment with HP (Match-only)
1000 ED

234 AP
E Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Awakening Charging Speed] Sockets your equipment with Awakening Charge Speed (Match-only)
1000 ED

294 AP
D Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Movement Speed] Sockets your equipment with Movement Speed (Match-only)
1000 ED

234 AP
E Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Critical] Sockets your equipment with Critical Hit Rate (Match-only)
1000 ED

450 AP
B Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Attack Speed] Sockets your equipment with Attack Speed (Match-only)
1000 ED

450 AP
B Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Accuracy] Sockets your equipment with Accuracy (Match-only)
1000 ED

234 AP
E Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Evasion] Sockets your equipment with Evasion Rate (Match-only)
1000 ED

234 AP
E Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Jump Speed] Sockets your equipment with Jump Speed (Match-only)
1000 ED

234 AP
E Rank or higher required to purchase

Dual-Socket Magic Stones

Name Description Image Cost and Requirements
Sparring Magic Stone [Explosion] Sockets your equipment with Additional Damage and Damage Reduction (Match-only).

1000 ED
2280 AP
SS Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Destruction] Sockets your equipment with Critical Hit Rate and HP (Match-only).

1000 ED
2280 AP
SS Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Agile] Sockets your equipment with Attack Speed, Movement and Jump Speed (Match-only).

1000 ED
1824 AP
SS Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Combustion] Sockets your equipment with Evasion and Accuracy (Match-only).

1000 ED
1368 AP
SS Rank or higher required to purchase

Sparring Magic Stone [Wrath] Sockets your equipment with Awakening Time and Awakening Charge Speed (Match-only)

1000 ED
1368 AP
SS Rank or higher required to purchase

The new Season 2 PvP gear can also be purchased from Camilla, see Arena Sets (S2) for information on the sets for your class. Buying these from Camilla is unnecessary, as you acquire them during the story quest for free.



赢在起跑线上: 现在对战的数据比较看重的是三速(动作速度、跑动以及跳跃速度),暴击和你的血量。最好打上20%的动作速度。记住,永远要比你的对手快上一步。如果速度太慢,你的对手将会很容易的把你抓住连招,甚至在你连招的时候闪避开来。30%以上的暴击可以保证你的输出,以及足够的HP来抵御各种攻击。

注意高档装备: 高级玩家们赢得比赛的秘诀在于哪里?因为他们通常花大精力甚至大价钱去弄高档装备。所以如果为了冲对战等级,你也应该去准备一套。弄什么装备关键在于自己的打法风格以及你的角色缺什么。对于新手来说,新对战套耐穿且实用,不妨试试。

定级赛不要打3对3: 虽然3对3升对战等级快,娱乐性强,但是千万别再定级赛打3对3。3对3打定级赛的话指不定会遇到什么队友以及对手,所以运气成分很大。相对来说1v1运气成分不是太大,按部就班等适合自己的对手是一个号的选择。

武器属性及防御抗性: 通常玩家们都会把自己的武器打好属性,把防具上好一定抗性才会去副本或对战使用。使用什么样的属性较好?详见艾尔结晶词条。

买条魔法项链: 要长混竞技场,魔法项链必不可少。30%的增加回魔量可不是开玩笑的。这30%的增加回魔量可以让你更快断魔,让你更加频繁的释放技能。

买个B栏: 要长时间混竞技场,B栏也是必不可少的。技能不够放怎么办?用B栏!没技能没输出怎么办?用B栏!有了B栏后你将会有更多发挥的空间。

断魔: 断魔是一个万用的技巧。在大量的玩家知道怎样清空击倒值的情况下,断魔是应付他们最好的方法。当然,实践出真知,什么时候断魔最好得靠你自己去把握。


Tree of El - Bottom - music05_stage

Tree of El - Top - music006_boss

Wintery Velder - music007_boss

Elrios Bay - music007_boss

Wally's Castle Rooftop - music009_boss

Banthus Room - music011_boss

Bethma Lake - music012_stage

Wally's Castle Centre - music017_boss

Cargo Airship - music020_stage

Durahan Coliseum - music026_stage

Tyrant's Arena - music026_stage

Hope Bridge - music032_stage

Garpai Sandstorm - music055_stage

Sander Oasis - music056_stage


  • 在对战系统大改之前(Season 1之前),所有对战都是在自由对战中进行的。
    • 那个时候排名只有从F到SS,所有玩家从F开始爬排名。
    • 那时AP也还叫VP(Victory Points),也能从卡密拉那里买东西,只不过东西数量不多。
  • 在国服更新4-X之后,出现了一个过渡对战模式。
    • 这个对战系统跟Season 2一样是随机匹配玩家进行匹配,排名从F到SS。
    • 此对战系统拥有二对二死斗战(Season 2没有)。
    • 此系统的攻击强度更多的是看增加伤害与减少伤害。同时一击必杀是可能的——例如卡欧波加的痛楚以及衰弱
    • 卡密拉的商店首次出现了对战套装,A评价以上可供购买。
  • 对战系统大改后(Season 2,韩服更新UI),VP改为AP,卡密拉的商店里也增加了物品以供购买。
    • KOG此次更新了一套新的伤害计算方式,使得一击必杀成为几乎不可能。
    • 卡密拉的商店出现了新的对战套装,跟Season 2前的对战套装不同的是,此对战套装不需评级就可购买,增加的属性也不同。
    • 二对二死斗战因为在韩国不够流行而被删除。由于技术问题,二对二死斗战也在各个服务器被撤下台。
