
From Elwiki
[被动技] 艾因订立贵族契约,从而增加艾尔弹的攻击范围。此外,他可以操控调和艾尔能量的艾伊特(热情、纯情、意志), 并增幅的艾尔能量技能。
  • 站立时,每3秒获得一个艾伊特。
  • 特定连段最后一击成功命中目标时,获得一个艾伊特。
  • 冲刺跳跃[X]~[XXX]:变更会赋予艾尔印记的发射体。
  • 使用艾伊特:循环技能时,消耗最后获得的1个艾伊特并获得追加效果。
    • 艾伊特:勇气:伤害增加、无视格挡。
    • 艾伊特:纯粹:增加MP恢复,一定几率立刻恢复HP和MP。
    • 艾伊特:意志:攻击范围增加,一定几率使目标陷入移动迟钝状态。
  • 咏唱技能也会消耗艾伊特并发动效果。
  • 持有3个同种艾伊特时的状态。
  • 三重艾伊特反应技能会根据持有的三重艾伊特种类而发生变化。
  • 使用特定技能时,使目标陷入摇曳的艾尔之芽状态。
  • 攻击摇曳的艾尔之芽状态的目标时,艾伊特:循环技能和三重艾伊特反应技能的伤害增加5%(可堆叠3层)。


职业 所需等级
调整者 15


技能等级 所需等级 艾尔弹强化 艾伊特:热情 艾伊特:纯情 艾伊特:意志
攻击范围增加 伤害增加 MP恢复增加 HP/MP恢复 攻击范围增加 移动迟钝持续时间
1 15 15% 10% 200% 5% 30% 5 秒
2 31 30%
3 39 45%
4 83 60%


神官 调整者 情感师
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +
Muskets: V +
Auto-guns: V +
Hand Cannons: V +
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +
Muskets: V +
Auto-guns: V +
Hand Cannons: V +
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +
Muskets: V +
Auto-guns: V +
Hand Cannons: V +
A successful hit on the target inflicted with 3 stacks of [El Dain] will activate a special attack.

[Nature El Dain]
- Launch the enemy and apply a [Bleed] effect.
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +
Muskets: V +
Auto-guns: V +
Hand Cannons: V +


神官 调整者 情感师
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +
Muskets: V +
Auto-guns: V +
Hand Cannons: V +
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +
Muskets: V +
Auto-guns: V +
Hand Cannons: V +
A successful hit on the target inflicted with 3 stacks of [El Dain] will activate a special attack.

[Nature El Dain]
- Launch the enemy and apply a [Bleed] effect.
[Weapon Switch]
Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
Revolvers: V +
Muskets: V +
Auto-guns: V +
Hand Cannons: V +


  • 部分连段指的是能让3层艾尔印记造成属性爆炸的连段。Template:CDeLX艾伊特:热情
    A successful hit on the target inflicted with 3 stacks of [El Dain] will activate a special attack.

    [Nature El Dain]
    - Launch the enemy and apply a [Bleed] effect.
    艾伊特:纯真Template:CViDX艾伊特:意志,而 [Weapon Switch]
    Depending on the command input after the applied attack, weapons will switch.
    Revolvers: V +
    Muskets: V +
    Auto-guns: V +
    Hand Cannons: V +
  • 学习高贵誓约:艾伊特后,权能槽满时默认为权能:循环模式。