Detecting Gem

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Revision as of 02:10, 30 September 2024 by Gameboy224 (talk | contribs)
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  • English
[Mater Skill]
Shoot small crystals ahead.
The crystals will split 2 times and attack a large area.
(Can also be activated midair)
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Damage is increased by 1.2 times.


Class Level Required
Mystic Alchemist: Transcendent 80

Skill Information

Mode Gem (Physical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
PvE 249% 20 30 MP 5 seconds
PvP 100%
PvE 299% 20 30 MP 5 seconds
PvP 119%

Skill Traits

Powerful Detecting GemHaste Detecting Gem
Attribute EffectCooldownAttribute EffectCooldown
Super Armor added to the skill
Cooldown increased to 150%
7.5 SecondsCooldown decreased to 80%4 Seconds

Total Damage

  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.
  • Average assumes 9 hits.

Related Skills

Tips and Details

  • Despite the skill's description stating otherwise, this skill can only be activated in midair.
  • The gems split quite a distance ahead, so proper aim is required to inflict the most damage on smaller enemies.
  • Each gem deals damage 4 times before splitting: 2 times after the initial split, and 3 times after the final split, for a total of 20 hits. Only wider enemies can be hit by the entire skill.
    • On average, an enemy located where the initial split occurs will take 9 hits from the skill - 1 before splitting, 4 after the first split, and another 4 from the final split.


  • Before the 04/27/2023 KR patch, a bug enabled this skill to briefly grant the caster invisibility state, as demonstrated in the video on the right.


Date Changes
11/11/2021 12/08/2021
  • Detecting Gem added.
  • Fixed skill hits sometimes not applying weapon attribute effects.
04/27/2023 05/24/2023
  • Fixed a bug that enabled invincibility for a very brief period upon casting.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 디텍칭 잼 Detecting Gem