[Mod] Wegnahme

From Elwiki
  • English
[Special Active: Bravery] [Mod]
Eliminate any evil that goes against the will of the Goddess.
Form a magic circle that shoots up to strike a broad range ahead and harvest the El energy.
When harvesting someone, the El energy will be absorbed to allies.
Special Active Skill Damage increase for a set duration due to bountiful El energy.
  • Caster's Special Active Skill Damage Increase increased by [Ganz Stage × 5% (PvP: 2%)]


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Opferung 99 [Force] Wegnahme (A)

Skill Information

Mode Steal (Physical)  Party BuffWegnahmeParty BuffWegnahme  Self BuffWegnahmeSelf BuffWegnahme Max Hits per El Energy El Energy Count MP Usage Cooldown
Special Active Skill Damage Increase
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
Duration Special Active Skill Damage Increase
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
PvE 454% 5% 10 Seconds Ganz Stage × 5% 10 Seconds 7 8 300 MP 22 Seconds
PvP 100% 2% Ganz Stage × 2%

Skill Traits

Gigantic WegnahmeHeavy Wegnahme
Attribute EffectAttribute EffectCooldown
Skill size increased to 120%Damage increased to 144%
Cooldown increased to 120%
26.4 Seconds

Total Damage

  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.
 : Damage values may not be reflected in Free Training.
  • Average assumes 14 Steal hits.

Tips and Details

  • This skill deals one less hit per El Energy in Free Training due to a known bug.
  • Unlike the unmod version, each El Energy has a separate hitbox.
  • Only very tall targets can receive hits from all El Energy.
    • Their placement is especially unfortunate, because even King of Abyss can't be hit by all of them at once.
  • Effects that make Ain small will make the skill's hitbox more compact, allowing for more El Energy to hit. Conversely, effects that make Ain larger will have a negative impact on the amount.


Date Changes
05/25/2023 06/21/2023
  • [Mod] Wegnahme added.
01/04/2024 01/31/2024
  • Skill type changed from Rau to Ganz.
  •  Self BuffWegnahmeSelf BuffWegnahme changed to duration type buff.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 베크나메 Wegnahme