Chung: Is everyone okay? The monsters are swarming us all of a sudden.
Eve: I sense the strong power of Henir from the Nasod Patrols
Elesis: Does the power of Henir affect Nasods the same way it affects humans?
Rose: It seems the Order gains power by forcibly corrupting the innocent.
Add: Damn it, is it possible for us to be infested by it, too?
Rena: ......
Ain: ......
Rena: (Oh no, Ain... It looks he's getting worse... As we descend into the laboratory, I'm afraid the power of Henir will get hold of him as it intensifies.)
Raven: ......
Raven: Ain, you'd better go back up. It looks like this place is too much for you.
Ain: It's fine, I can handle it. We can keep going.
Raven: This isn't just about you. If anything happens to you here, you will put everyone else in danger as well.
Ain: ......
Ain: (I can't let that happen. Keeping the El Search Party from harm is my new mission and reason for existence. If I don't do anything here, I'll be...)
Raven: ... Alright, but just don't overdo it.
Raven: ......
Raven: And please apologize to Lu when she comes back.
Ain: ......
Chung: ... Um,
Chung: I'm sure Ain didn't mean it.
Rena: ... Chung?
Chung: I sometimes feel the same way. I've been with Lu for a long time, and I know she is not evil, but...
Chung: ... But...
Rena: ... Chung...
Chung: Even though I know it, it's not easy to pretend that my Father isn't plagued by demons as we speak.
Ain: ......
Chung: ... I'm sure Ain must have had some bad experience with demons. Maybe he can't help it. So don't try to push him...
Raven: I understand, Chung. But if you justify hating demons just because they harm humans, it we must also hate humans because we harm each other as well.
Chung: ......
Ain: ......
Raven: If men seek to hate each other, they can and will find a reason to, regardless of their title or relationship.
Raven: I was also full of hatred and vengeance against those who caused harm, and to be honest, I haven't fully gotten over it yet, either.
Rena: ... Raven...
Raven: That's why, even now, I'm fighting against the resentment and hatred in me. I'm also trying to accept the hatred others have against me.
Raven: Overcoming hatred isn't about forgiveness, rather it's for your own good. Those obsessed with revenge will miss out on what's truly important.
Ain: (It's... for my own good...?)
Chung: ...... I'm sorry, Raven.... I shouldn't have said anything...
Raven: It's alright, Chung. I know you truly care for Lu and Ara. It must have been hard to keep that all inside.
Chung: ......
Raven: Chung... and Ain. It doesn't have to be immediate, but try to overcome your hatred little by little
Chung: ... I'll give it a try.
Ain: ...... I will also... ...... Kugh...!
Rena: Ain?! What's wrong?!
Aisha: What's happening? Ain looks blurred...!! Why...?!
Eve: I sense the strong Henir energy. It seems he's been exposed to its influence for too long.
Rena: We shouldn't just stand here! Let's move Ain to the entrance!!
Ain: (... Why... isn't my body getting restored...? Am I... disappearing...? Devoured by the power of Henir...?)
Ain: (I guess... I can't exist outside the influence of gods and the mission that they gave...?)
Ain: (... I can't... disappear now... I didn't even get to apologize to her yet...)
Lu: Hey!! Step aside!!
Chung: Huh...?! That voice!
Elesis: Lu?!
Lu: Set him down and move away from him!
Rena: Lu?! Where have you been?!
Lu: I'll tell you later.... As I expected, you became more clouded than before, I knew this would happen.
Aisha: Wait, that object you're putting on Ain's body, isn't that the Seed of Life?! Lu, what are you doing?!
Ain: Pant... pant... What... are you doing...?
Lu: Ain, listen carefully. The Henir energy is filling your body because you're called for it.
Ain: ... I don't... understand...
Lu: Also, you reason you lost control of your power because is because the influence of Henir is destructive in nature.
Ain: ......
Lu: But Henir's Chaos was also used to create the world. That's because as dangerous as the power of Henir is, it also has endless potential. That potential outweighs the risk.
Lu: That's why you need to change the way you accept this power, Ain.
Ain: ... It's... impossible in my current state...
Lu: I know, that's why I'll use this seed to help you. First, the seed will absorb the power of Henir, and then it will sprout. I'll use the seed to pull the power of Henir out of you.
Elesis: What?! Wait, that's too dangerous! What if it fails...?
Aisha: But... but there's no other way...!
Ain: ... I'll do it.
Rena: ... Ain?
Ain: ... I'll... trust you...
Lu: Good, don't lose control of your power. Or you may lose your life.
Ain: Don't worry, ... I know that better than anyone.
Lu: Let's begin.
Ain: ... Kugh...!
Elsword: Whoa, something just got sucked into the orb!!
Ciel: ...! Lu! Be careful!
Lu: Kyaaaa!! Ciel, what are you doing?! Why did you kick the seed?! You almost kicked off my hand with it!
Chung: Ah...! Look over there...!
Aisha: ...?! Huh? The seed has turned into a monster!
Lu: What?! It shouldn't sprout without any El energy!
Elsword: Let's get rid of it!
Add: It's my data, I'll handle it!
Elesis: ... Phew, it's done.
Elsword: Is Ain okay?
Aisha: It seems he's back to normal. He looks better now.
Ain: ......
Lu: He made it
Ciel: Lu, didn't you say a monster won't sprout without the El energy? What happened?
Lu: Part of Ain's power may have been absorbed by the seed. I'm not sure why, but I guess the power of El inside Ain's body has been pulling that of Henir.
Lu: (But I don't expect it to be at the level where it gave the seed the power of creation...)
Lu: ... There's definitely something about you, Ain. Right?
Ain: ......
Lu: I'm not going to force you to tell me, but it'd be better for you to be more selective in accepting the power of Henir from now on.
Ain: ... Thank you, I feel like my mind has been cleared.
Ain: ... And I'm sorry.
Ain: ...... That I got mad at you.
Aisha: (Ain's seriously offering an apology?!)
Lu: I did not expect you to say that. What's gotten into you?
Ciel: (Lu, he's apologizing. Don't be mean.)
Ain: I... was going to apologize from the beginning.
Ain: (It's just that I lost control, and the darkest emotion from inside got the better of me.)
Raven: (Overcoming hatred isn't about being understanding to the ones you hate, rather, it's for you. It is so that you don't miss out on what's important due to being blind with revenge.)
Ain: (He's right... The hatred engraved in my subconscious is something that I must fight on my own.)
Ain: (... Not for the sake of a mere emissary with a mission, but for the sake of 'Ain'.)
Lu: It's fine, It can't be helped if you feel uncomfortable with me for whenever has happened to you. But I've never thought that I should side with demons simply because I'm a demon.
Lu: If anything like that happens, I'll fight alongside all of you.
Lu: You all are my comrades, after all.
Ara: Lu...
Lu: So, if the only reason that you feel uncomfortable with me is because I'm a demon, think of me as Luciela, not a demon.
Chung: ......
Ain: ...... Okay. I'll try, Miss Demon.
Lu: Kyaaa!! You are still calling me a demon...!! You never learn!!!
Ciel: ... I told you, Lu, calling you a demon when you are a demon is not an insult...
Elsword: Hehe, then you two are good, right? No more fights?
Lu: ... Grrr...
Ain: No promises...
Rena: Hehe, what a relief.
Elesis: Well then, you became friends again, and everyone's here, shall we keep going?
Aisha: ... But there's one problem, Elesis.
Elesis: Which is?
Aisha: ... We can't go any further. This is the last chamber.
Elesis: You're right... Is this really the last cham... Ahhh!
Elesis: What?! The ground is splitting open!
Rena: Let's get down. Everyone, be careful!
Rena: Oh my... I have never imagined there would be an area this big underground...
Add: Based on the structure, it looks like it's for compressing and processing the energy coming from the passage to make it into an energy source.
Eve: The Henir energy is overwhelming in here. I think the energy control console over there seems to be in front of Henir's Passage.
Raven: A control console... Do you think we can stop the Henir energy from flowing using the device?
Eve: It may be hard to block it completely, but it's possible to minimize it. But we need to get closer to the electronic system.
- Rumble Rumble Rumble
Elesis: !! ... What's that..!!
Aisha: What is that giant Nasod?!
Rose: That must be the Nasod Patrol for this place! It's gigantic...!!
Add: Task, the Nasods we've encountered above must have been prototypes created to build this one. To think such a machine was hidden here...
Nasod Carrier: Invaders in First Class Quarantine Area - Activate Remote Defense Mode.
Elsword: What out, everyone!