[Mod] Shadow

From Elwiki
[Active] [Mod]
Charge ahead, leaving your shadow behind.
  • Decrease Magical Attack Power/Defense of enemies hit by the shadow.


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Innocent 99 [Force] Shadow (A)

Skill Information

Mode Summoned Shadow (Magical) Installed Shadow MP Usage Cooldown
 Enemy DebuffShadow PowerEnemy DebuffShadow Power Duration
Knockdown Decrease
Per Second
Magical Attack / Defense Decrease
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
PvE 651% 22 31% 3 Seconds 5 Seconds 40 MP 8 Seconds
PvP 231% 15.5%

Skill Traits

Killing Blow (1) ShadowPowerful Shadow
Attribute EffectDurationAttribute EffectCooldown
Skill effect's duration increased to 130%3.9 SecondsSuper Armor added to the skill
Cooldown increased to 150%
12 Seconds

Extra Information


Affected By Action Speed

Tips and Details

  • Possible bug: The skill retains the continuous KD reduction effect of the original version, since it shares the debuff effect entirely, despite the tooltip making no mention of this.
  • [Mod] Shadow has an extremely short invincibility window, during which you can avoid certain single-hit attacks with good timing. Anything with more hits will hit you as the invincibility only lasts for a few frames at best.
    • Similar to Photon Flash, the skill will let you phase through enemies. You will always face the direction you came from afterwards.
  • [Mod] Shadow does not provide the 20% damage mitigation of the regular version, only lasts for 5 seconds, and is incapable of hitting multiple enemies, dissipating after a single hit.
    • As it vanishes upon hitting a target, its effective debuff duration is much shorter than the base version, assuming an enemy remains inside the shadow's area.
  • This version is a lot more actively useful in PvP thanks to its forward momentum, short i-frame, and the tendency of skillful players to mana-break longer combos when possible, regardless of the longer KD reduction effect of the base version. This enables the short 3 second drain of the mod version to more or less give you the same overall benefit in terms of KD management.


  • The skill visual will always depict Ciel in his Chevalier promotional outfit and Lu in her Ishtar promotional outfit.


Date Changes
12/28/2017 02/07/2018
  • [Mod] Shadow added.
04/05/2018 04/18/2018
  • Damage decreased.
06/22/2023 07/19/2023
  • None
  • Magical Attack/Defense Decrease decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 새도우 Shadow
Japan シャドウ Shadow
China (Simplified Chinese) 暗影 Shadow
Germany Schatten Shadows
France Ombres Shadows
Italy Ombra Shadow
Poland Cień Shadow
United Kingdom Shadows
Brazil Projeção Projection