Secret Exorcism Arts - 'Night Parade of One Hundred Souls'

From Elwiki
  • Normal
  • Repose of Souls
[Special Active: Strength]
[Secret Art] Activated when you activate 'Exorcism Stance 1, 2, 3, 4' one after the other.
Teleports above last enemy struck and strikes down, releasing an eruption of numerous souls.


Class Skills Requirement
Little Specter Exorcism Stance 1 (, or )
Exorcism Stance 2: Specter Restraints
Exorcism Stance 3: Shadoweave
Exorcism Stance 4: Darkness Sever

Art Information

Mode Damage (Physical) Max Hits Total MP Usage Energy
Shockwave Enlightenment Shockwave Enlightenment Required Used Gained
PvE 3671% 254% 1 29 300 MP 0 -5~8 +6
PvP 1053% 72%
PvE 3671% 254% 1 29 290 MP 0 -5~8 +6
PvP 1053% 72%

Total Damage

  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.
ModeBaseRepose of SoulsRepose of Souls/Spirit Synchronous: Millennium Fox

Related Skills

Tips and Details

  • Due to how Energy Conversion works, as long as you hit a target, no spirit energy is required to complete this secret art. Attempting to cancel Exorcism Stance 2: Specter Restraints with no energy will still cause it to provide the 2 energy Exorcism Stance 3: Shadoweave needs right before it is cast, and likewise for Exorcism Stance 3: Shadoweave providing 4 energy when attempting to cancel into Exorcism Stance 4: Darkness Sever, leaving you with 1 energy after the art.
  • This Secret Art launches opponents quite high, so it is best used on foes which are either immovable or super armored.
  • Night Parade of One Hundred Souls cannot be mana broken. However, any of the stance skills can be mana broken ahead of time to avoid damage from the art.


  • This Exorcism Art is a reference to Hyakki Yagyō from Japanese folklore, which tells about a parade of one hundred yōkai.
  • In the original design, Asura had a Secret Art called "묘호 (妙法)". The second and the third parts of the Secret Art are the skill called 인화 (引火) and 천뢰 (天雷). And Night Parade of One Hundred Souls used to be the Secret Art of it.


Date Changes
01/12/2017 01/24/2017
  • Enlightenment damage increased.
  • Shockwave damage decreased.
04/27/2017 05/10/2017
  • Damage increased.
  • None
07/27/2017 08/09/2017
  • Fixed issue where affected by Stance 4's Skill Damage Increase effect.
09/14/2017 -
  • Fixed issue where not affected by Skill Ring.
02/22/2018 04/18/2018
  • Damage increased.
  • Damage decreased.
04/05/2018 04/18/2018
  • Damage decreased.
07/26/2018 08/08/2018
  • Invincibility frames increased.
  • Damage increased.
  • Enlightenment damage decreased.
07/04/2019 07/31/2019
  • Damage increased.
09/11/2019 09/25/2019
  • Casting speed increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 귀살 오의 - '백귀야행'
귀살 오의 : 백귀야행
Exorcism Secret Art - Night Parade of One-Hundred Specters
Exorcism Secret Art: Night Parade of One-Hundred Specters
South Korea (literal Chinese name) 鬼殺奧義 - '百鬼夜行'
Exorcism Secret Art - Night Parade of One-Hundred Specters
Exorcism Secret Art: Night Parade of One-Hundred Specters
China (Simplified Chinese) 鬼杀奥义:百鬼夜行 Exorcism Secret Art: Night Parade of One-Hundred Specters
Germany Geisterjäger-Geheimtechnik: Tausend Geister Spirit Hunter Secret Technique: Thousand Spirits
France Technique secrète du chasseur d'esprits : milliers d'esprits Spirit Hunter Secret Technique: Thousand Spirits
Italy Tecnica segreta dell'esorcismo: Cacciatore di spettri Exorcism Secret Technique: Specter Hunter
Poland Tajemna Technika Łowcy Duchów: Tysiąc Duchów Spirits Hunter Secret Technique: Thousand Spirits
United Kingdom Spirit Hunter Secret Technique: Thousand Spirits
Brazil Arte Secreta do Exorcismo: Jornada dos 100 Espectros Exorcism Secret Art: 100 Specters Journey