Penensio is the leader of the Hamel army and is a skilled Rune Slayer who can summon and combine elemental magic with his runes in order to inflict status effects on his victims and constantly pressure them.
Combo Modifications
Penensio has access to all of the Rune Slayer combos.
Physical Attack +200 Magical Attack +200 Physical Defense +100 Magical Defense +100 2% chance of Double Attack (not including special actives)
Special Effects
Increased Mana Regeneration
Like all NPCs, Penensio benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
All NPCs will have an extremely fast passive mana regeneration rate, and will also receive bonus MP when either hitting or being hit by players. Because of this passive, NPC skills are bound only by cooldown and not by their MP cost. Furthermore, NPCs can mana break combos at virtually any time.
Counter Chance
When Penensio falls down, he can tap X to sweep his sword in a broad sweeping motion that does not knock down.
Penensio will use this skill while you are close by after every knock down; be careful, because he has extremely high attack speed and can activate his counter chance very quickly.
Special Active
Penensio unleashes a mighty sword aura that manifests itself as a colorless aura that rapidly travels across the entire map.
This skill will instantly take away 33% of your HP and 400 MP upon contact. Will hit the entire map, but can be dodged with a well-timed special active. Penensio will only use this skill if you have been outside of his vision for a long time (prevents charging MP off-screen).
Explosive Fist
10 Seconds
Penensio punches his opponent, planting a fiery explosion in his victim that detonates as he pulls back.
A copy of Magic Knight's Explosive Fist.
Fire Rune
10 Seconds
Penensio summons a large fiery rune that persists on the field for about 10 seconds.
Contact with the rune will deal DOT damage and burn opponents. This rune does not hitstun.
Ice Rune
10 Seconds
Penensio summons a large ice-elemental rune that persists on the field for about 10 seconds.
Contact with the rune will deal DOT damage and cast Frostbite upon opponents. This rune stuns upon contact.
Barrier Rune
10 Seconds
Penensio summons a large light-elemental rune that persists on the field for about 10 seconds.
Contact with the rune will deal DOT damage. This rune can be destroyed by hits, but deals damage back to anyone who hits it. Penensio himself can hit the rune without any penalty, regenerating his MP. This rune does not stun upon contact.
10 Seconds
Penensio side-kicks his opponent, reducing their KD.
Reduces KD by 5.
10 Seconds
Penensio readies his sword as a shield for a counterattack, launching his opponent into the air upon successful contact.
Has a 100% chance of launching opponents.
Splash Explosion
Special Active
5 Seconds
Penensio summons a rune in front of him, and then explodes it, launching enemies into the air.
A direct copy of Rune Slayer's Splash Explosion.
Luna Blade
Special Active
10 Seconds
Penensio summons a giant magical blade above him, crashing it down.
Deals significant damage; unlike Elsword's Luna Blade, Penensio's Luna Blade will only reduce MP by 25%.
Storm Blade
Special Active
30 Seconds
Penensio summons a swarm of rotating blades around him, continuously dealing heavy damage to anyone caught in the attack.
A direct copy of Magic Knight's Storm Blade.
First off, Penensio is a known runner. He will run away if you damage more than 75% of his health, and he likes to spam elemental runes so he can combo you. He loves to do the XZ loop, and often ends it with XZZ. He also tends to use Storm Blade if you are in the corner. The best way to deal with him is to mana break if he uses Storm Blade, and to catch him in the air if he tries to run away. If he uses the elemental runes, use ranged attacks if possible to hit him.
Favorite Skills:
Penensio likes to use Storm Blade and Counter Attack. He also likes to use Ice Rune when his opponent is at the middle.
Usually he loses because of time finish/spam.
Penensio is 36 years old and his astrological sign is Capricorn.
Penensio est de groupe sanguin B. Sa taille est de 183 cm, et son poids est de 72 kg.
Penensio is an extremely serious person who subscribes to the theory that Rune Slayers should use elemental runes. After Ran's attack upon Hamel, he realized his weaknesses and joins the Arena as a means of training.
Sur le serveur Chinois, Penensio a été supprimé car le jeu pouvait crasher si il utilisait ses runes. Il est revenu dés la Saison 3 PvP, mais son titre n'existe toujours pas.