Power of Oriax

From Elwiki
[Special Active: Strength]
Raise the body of you and your allies to the limit.
Switching Skill (Lu)
  • Ciel will switch to Lu when skill is used.
  • Gain 4 Combination Points after hitting the target when switching.
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Cooldown is decreased by 3 seconds.


Class Level Required
Chiliarch 30

Skill Information

Mode  Party BuffPower of the BodyParty BuffPower of the Body Combination Gauge Gain MP Usage Cooldown
Skill Cooldown Speed Increase Duration
PvE x1.3 12 Seconds 4 220 MP 15 Seconds
PvP 5 Seconds
PvE x1.3 12 Seconds 4 220 MP 12 Seconds
PvP 5 Seconds

Skill Traits

ModeKilling Blow (1) Power of OriaxHaste Power of Oriax
Attribute EffectDurationAttribute EffectCooldown
PvESkill effect's duration increased to 130%15.6 SecondsCooldown decreased to 80%12 Seconds
Final Enhanced Skill
9.6 Seconds
PvP6.5 Seconds

Related Skills

Tips and Details

  • An invisible hit is triggered when casting this skill. You will only gain Combination Gauge if you are within close range of a target.
    • This invisible hit will apply  Enemy DebuffCreeping TerrorEnemy DebuffCreeping Terror like other special actives, but will not immediately detonate it as well. If an enemy near you is already inflicted with  Enemy DebuffCreeping TerrorEnemy DebuffCreeping Terror however, this invisible hit will trigger Burst of Terror.
    • Oddly, the  Enemy DebuffCreeping TerrorEnemy DebuffCreeping Terror effects will only ever apply on a single enemy near you, though not necessarily on the one closest to you.
  • Unlike other Special Active skills, the screen will not freeze when using Power of Oriax.
  • This skill is extremely effective against Epic NPCs, as they will ignore the  Party BuffSuper ArmorParty BuffSuper Armor and charge straight at you.
  • In PvE, as the skill's cooldown is equal to its duration and due to the skill itself also being affected by the cooldown acceleration, there is little reason to use the Haste trait.
  • The buff is not limited by any set range and applies to allies even during the initial split in Elrianode City, much like Magnetic Guard or Iron Body - Guard.


  • Oriax refers to a demon of Great Marquis of Hell, and has thirty legions of demons under his command. He knows and teaches the virtues of the stars and the mansions of the planets. He also gives dignities, prelacies, and the favour of friends and foes, and can metamorphose a man into any shape.
  • Oriax wrote the Skill Note "Equivalent Exchange" after being summoned by Lu.


Old Version

Video Description
Between its initial release and the 09/24/2015 KR Patch, Power of Oriax completely prevented the user from running. The ability to run with decreased movement speed was instead originally part of the skill's Skill Note.
Between the 09/24/2015 and 08/01/2019 KR Patch, Power of Oriax was a skill which greatly decreased your movement speed but provided super armor, damage reduction, MP gain, increased damage on back attack, and caused all command attacks to stun.


Date Changes
01/05/2015 07/15/2015
  • Power of Oriax added.
02/12/2015 08/12/2015
  • MP Usage decreased to 100 MP.
  • Cooldown decreased to 20 seconds.
  • Stun Duration decreased to 0.5 seconds.
09/24/2015 03/03/2016
  • Skill Note effects added.
  • Movement Speed Decrease rate increased.
02/04/2016 03/16/2016
  • MP Usage increased.
  • Duration decreased.
04/21/2016 05/18/2016
  • Movement Speed Decrease decreased.
  • MP Usage increased.
  • Reversed trait changed to Haste.
06/15/2017 06/28/2017
07/27/2017 08/09/2017
  • Stun removed.
  • Damage nullification changed to 50% damage reduction.
08/01/2019 08/28/2019
  • Changed from Tenacity to Strength.
  • Moved from Locked Skill to normal skill.
  • Changed Final Enhanced Effect from Command/Active damage increase on back attacks increased by 20% to MP Usage is decreased by 20%.
  • MP Usage increased.
  • Damage Reduction Increase, Command/Active Back Attack Damage Increase, MP Gain on Attack removed.
  • Movement Speed Decrease removed.
  • Added effect to increase Special Active skill damage and accelerate all skill cooldowns.
  • Duration increased.
  • Duration decreased.
09/11/2019 09/25/2019
  • Combination Gauge Gain increased.
05/27/2021 06/23/2021
  • Buff also applies to allies.
  • Duration increased.
  • MP Usage increased.
  • Cooldown increased.
  • Special Active Damage Increase removed.
  • Skill Cooldown Acceleration decreased.
  • [Enhanced] effect changed from MP Usage decreased to Cooldown decreased.
03/17/2022 04/13/2022
  • Casting speed increased by 50%.
  • Changed to be affected by Action Speed.
03/30/2023 04/26/2023
  • "Skill Cooldown Speed Increase" decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 오리악스의 권능 Authority of Oriax
Japan ルオリアクスの権能 Authority of Oriax
China (Simplified Chinese) 欧里亚斯的权能 Authority of Oriax
Germany Macht von Oriax Power of Oriax
Spain Poder de Oriax Power of Oriax
France Puissance d'Oriax Power of Oriax
Italy Potere di Oriax Power of Oriax
Poland Moc Oriaxa Power of Oriax
Brazil Poder de Oriax Power of Oriax