Nisha is Pocket

From Elwiki
[Special Active: Strength]
Pull out a variety of scraps from Nisha. Enemies hit by the attack will receive a debuff that increases damage received.
To Laby, it feels yucky to even touch Nisha. Laby feels discomfort that she came in contact with Nisha.
All speed is decreased by 5% for 5 seconds.
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Damage is increased by 1.2 times.


Class Level Required
Rumble Pumn 35

Skill Information

Mode Junk (Physical)  Enemy DebuffOwie!Enemy DebuffOwie!  Self DebuffYucky!Self DebuffYucky! Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Received Damage Increase
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. (Received Damage effect is additive to the All Damage multiplier.)
Duration All Speeds Decrease
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
PvE 992% 15% 15 Seconds 5% 5 Seconds 18 (9 on each side) 200 MP 15 Seconds
PvP 206%
PvE 1191% 15% 15 Seconds 5% 5 Seconds 18 (9 on each side) 200 MP 15 Seconds
PvP 246%

Skill Traits

Light Nisha is PocketCritical Nisha is Pocket
Attribute EffectMP UsageAttribute EffectMP Usage
MP Usage decreased to 80%160 MPMP Usage increased to 120%
Skill will ignore 50% defense (25% defense in PvP)
240 MP

Total Damage

  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.
Per SideMax

Related Skills

Tips and Details

  • The objects spawned by this skill will fly off in set locations, 9 towards each side. However, because they spawn close to you, it is possible to have all 18 objects hit on even small targets that are directly above you.
    • Much like Splashy Splashy, the hitbox of the objects appears rather late and will likely pass through enemies directly next to you, so some distance is advised when unable to be below the target.
  • Since the debuff is applied on the first hit, the skill itself will get the full benefit from the damage increase on enemies that can be debuffed.
  • Each of the objects spawned by this skill has its own individual hitbox, so the larger objects will have an easier time hitting enemies.


Date Changes
12/06/2018 01/03/2019
  • Nisha is Pocket added.
  • Heavy trait changed to Light.
07/18/2019 08/14/2019
  • Damage Taken Increase decreased.
04/25/2024 05/22/2024
  • Skill use motion can be canceled at a certain point of time.
  •  Enemy DebuffOwie!Enemy DebuffOwie! Duration increased.
  •  Enemy DebuffOwie!Enemy DebuffOwie! Received Damage Increase decreased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 만능 주머니샤 Universal Nisha Pocket
Japan 万能ニーシャ Universal Nisha
Germany Nisha-Tasche Nisha Bag
Spain Bolsa de Nisha Nisha Bag
France Sacoche de Nisha Nisha Bag
Italy Borsa Nisha Nisha Bag
Poland Magiczny Mieszek Nisha ???
United Kingdom Nisha Bag