Meister (Stage 4)

From Elwiki
  • English
[Master Skill Stage 4]
The flow of El, blooming with emotion, will appear as Eids and strike the enemies.
The Eids will move in accordance with the flow and strike enemies.
When the flow of El stops, the Eids explode and become El's energy as it scatters.
Master Skill is unaffected by skill enhance effects except Master-only effects.


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Bluhen : Master Class 99 Master Skill Stage 4 Quest

Skill Information

Mode Damage (Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown
Blooming Eid Fluttering El Aura Blooming Eid Fluttering El Aura
Eid (Mut) Eid (Rein) Eid (Wille)
PvE 4238% 2228% 6 5 6 6 400 MP 49 Seconds
PvP 529% 278%

Total Damage

  • Average assumes - hits.

Tips and Details

  • Due to the Eids rising upwards, this actually makes the skill lose a lot of its damage potential against shorter targets, with humanoid targets only taking about 4 hits.
  • As with the previous stage, the Eid (Rein) will deal one fewer hit compared to the other Eids.


Date Changes
02/27/2020 03/25/2020
  • Meister added.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 마이스터 Meister
Japan マイスター Meister
Germany Adsertor
Spain Adsertor
France Adsertor
Italy Adsertor
Poland Adsertor
United Kingdom Adsertor