Mecha Control

From Elwiki
Enhance Mecha control allowing more effective command over mecha units.
Can use ECP skills during Over Strike using MP instead.
Over Strike Enhance
Auto Guns Enhance
  • Auto Guns Attack Power Increase
  • Chance to activate  Enemy DebuffStigmaEnemy DebuffStigma when attacking with Auto Guns
  •  Enemy DebuffStigmaEnemy DebuffStigma Duration Increase: 2 Seconds
  •  Enemy DebuffStigmaEnemy DebuffStigma Target Defense Decrease: 30% (20% in PvP)


Class Level Required
Prime Operator 99

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required  Self BuffOver StrikeSelf BuffOver Strike Enhance Auto Gun Enhance Focused Strike! Target Damage Enhance
Over Strike Duration Increase Over Strike Duration Extension (Upon Using Mecha Skill) Auto Gun Command Damage Increase  Enemy DebuffStigmaEnemy DebuffStigma Chance
(On hit with Auto Gun Commands)
 Enemy DebuffStigmaEnemy DebuffStigma
Duration Increase
 Enemy DebuffStigmaEnemy DebuffStigma
Defense Decrease
1 99 10 Seconds 1 Second 100% 100% 2 Seconds 30%
1 99 10 Seconds 1 Second 10% 10% 2 Seconds 20%

Affected Commands

Rose Metal Heart Optimus Prime Operator
A combo used while holding Auto-guns.
() ()
A combo used while holding Auto-guns.
() ()
A combo used while holding Auto-guns.
A combo used while holding Auto-guns.
A combo used while holding Auto-guns.

Related Skills

Tips and Details

  • Activating Over Strike will always increase its current duration by 10 seconds, making it possible to reach beyond 30 seconds or even 40 seconds through repeated activation.
  • This passive's ECP to MP conversion effect also affects G Transform Mode Standby, which is advised to use after entering Over Strike with any 2 ECP Using Skills instead of activating it with G Transform Mode Standby and another ECP Using Skill. Due to the difference in ECP Usage, this will produce a noticeable delay and is therefore much less efficient.
    • However, G-4 Frisbee's extra ECP consumption still consumes ECP while under the effect.
  • Possible Bug: using Focused Strike! on Elesis does not work if Knight of Annihilation or Gale is active.


Date Changes
02/08/2018 03/07/2018
  • Mecha Control added.
05/27/2021 06/23/2021
  • ECP Skills can be used with MP during Overstrike.
  • Auto Gun Command Damage Increase increased.
  • Stigma Chance increased.
  • None
07/08/2021 08/04/2021
  • Fixed Auto Gun Enhance applying even when not using Auto Guns.
04/25/2024 05/22/2024
  • Defense Decrease decreased.
12/19/2024 01/15/2025

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 메카 컨트롤 Mecha Control
Germany Mecha-Kontrolle Mecha Control
Spain Mecacontrol Mecha Control
France Contrôle de méca Mecha Control
Italy Controllo meccanico Mecha Control
Poland Kontrola Mecha Mecha Control