Hornet Sting

From Elwiki
[Special Active: Tenacity]
Fire an exploding projectile.
Core Activation Skill
  • Successful attack made during Awakening will activate the Core Attack.
Final Enhanced Skill
  • Projectiles will follow the curve of paths.


Class Level Required
Code: Exotic 30

Skill Information

Mode Damage (Magical) MP Usage Cooldown
Cannonball Explosion
PvE 534% 1845% 100 MP 7 Seconds
PvP 203% 702%

Skill Traits

Empowered Hornet StingReversed Hornet Sting
Attribute EffectAttribute EffectMP UsageCooldown
Damage increased to 120%MP Usage decreased to 80%
Cooldown increased to 120%
80 MP8.4 Seconds

Total Damage

  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.

Tips and Details

  • The Cannonball will only damage the first enemy it comes in contact with but the Explosion can hit all enemies near that target as well.
  • The Explosion hitbox lingers a bit after the visual for it disappears, potentially catching opponents off-guard.


Date Changes
02/19/2009 11/23/2011
  • Hornet Sting added.
06/27/2013 11/06/2013
  • Renamed Hornet Sting - Explosion.
08/20/2015 01/27/2016
  • Renamed Hornet Sting.
10/29/2015 03/16/2016
  • Enhanced trait changed to Empowered.
06/30/2016 07/13/2016
  • Casting speed increased by 30%.
01/12/2017 01/24/2017
  • Damage decreased.
04/27/2017 05/10/2017
  • Damage increased.
  • Explosion damage decreased.
07/13/2017 07/26/2017
  • Awakened trait changed to Reversed.
04/05/2018 04/18/2018
  • Damage increased.
06/20/2019 07/17/2019
  • Changed to be completely magical damage.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 호넷 스팅 Hornet Sting
Japan ホーネットスティング Hornet Sting
China (Simplified Chinese) 电磁飞弹 Electromagnetic Missile
North America Hornet Sting - Explosion (between November 6, 2013 and January 27, 2016)
Germany Stich der Hornisse Hornet Sting
Spain Picadura de avispón Hornet Sting
France Dard de frelon Hornet Sting
Italy Puntura del Calabrone Hornet Sting
Poland Żądło Szerszenia Hornet Sting
United Kingdom Sting of the Hornet
Brazil Ferrão de Vespa Wasp Sting