Ende der Welt

From Elwiki
[Hyper Active]
Call upon a massive scythe, created using the hidden power of chaos, to rip the dimensions apart and open a fissure to the nether reaches of Henir. The overflowing chaos and malice from Henir pours in through the fissure and engulfs everything with the void.
Requires 1 El's Essence (Item)
  • Uses one when Hyper Active skill is used. (Cannot be used without it)
  • Right-click on identified El Shards to obtain El's Essence.

(Sockets do not apply to Hyperactive skills unless they are [Hyperactive Damage Increase] sockets)

Final Enhanced Skill
  • Damage is increased by 1.2 times.


Class Level Required Skill Requirement
Apostasia 65 Ultimate Skill Quest

Skill Information

Mode Damage (Magical) Max Hits MP Usage Cooldown Item Usage
Space Rip Open Fissure Fissure Extension Explosion Space Rip Open Fissure Fissure Extension Explosion
PvE 5843% 3690% 1022% 6458% 1 2 13 1 300 MP 180 Seconds x1
PvP 701% 442% 122% 774%
PvE 7010% 4428% 1226% 7750% 1 2 13 1 300 MP 180 Seconds x1
PvP 841% 531% 147% 930%

Total Damage

  • Average damage is tested on small (e.g., Lowe) to medium targets (e.g., Wooden Doll) with realistic positioning.
  • Maximum damage for large-hitbox skills may be unattainable in-game and is estimated.
  • Timed buffs are included only if they alter skill function or appear in the tooltip; permanent boosts are always included.



  • This skill's name is German for End of the World.
  • In Europe, Finis Mundi is Latin for End of the World.
  • The iris of the fissure uses the same texture pattern as the electric pulse of EMP Shock.
  • As with Gottvergessen Sense, after this skill ends, Apostasia's attacks are replaced with the scythe texture for two seconds.


Date Changes
02/09/2017 02/22/2017
  • Ende der Welt added.
02/23/2017 03/15/2017
  • Damage increased.
04/27/2017 05/10/2017
  • Damage increased.
  • Open Fissure damage decreased.
07/13/2017 07/26/2017
  • Damage increased.
  • Open Fissure damage decreased.
  • Fissure Extension damage decreased.
  • Explosion damage decreased.
06/28/2018 07/11/2018
  • Space Rip damage increased.
  • Open Fissure damage increased.
  • Explosion damage increased.
  • Fissure Extension damage decreased.
  • Damage decreased.
07/04/2019 07/31/2019
  • Changed to be completely magical damage.
11/29/2018 11/28/2018
  • Icon changed from to .

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 엔드 데 벨트 Ende der Welt
China (Simplified Chinese) 世界终结 End of the World
Germany Finis Mundi
Spain Finis Mundi
France Finis Mundi
Italy Finis Mundi
Poland Finis Mundi
United Kingdom Finis Mundi
Brazil Fim do Mundo End of the World