"Bonjour, Je m'apelle Lou! Je suis le leader des chercheurs d'Eldrit! J'ai travaillé dur pour devenire un haut chevalier respecté dans Elrios. Ne t'inquiète pas. Je ne me battrais pas de toute mes forces! Ha Ha~"
Lou, chef des chercheurs d'Eldrit
The power of El was once lost then restored back to Elrios by the legendary heroes. Lowe's great-great grandfather was one of these heroes. He perfected the skill 'Mega Slash' and passed it down to his descendants. Lowe now focuses on training the new adventurers of Elrios and hopes one of them will be able to gain back the lost power of the Elstone.
Combo Modifications
Lowe's in-game model
Lou a accés aux combos du Haut-chevalier, mais avec une porté d'épée augmenté.
Like all NPCs, Lowe benefits from a heightened mana regeneration rate.
All NPCs will have an extremely fast passive mana regeneration rate, and will also receive bonus MP when either hitting or being hit by players. Because of this passive, NPC skills are bound only by cooldown and not by their MP cost. Furthermore, NPCs can mana break combos at virtually any time.
Counter Chance
When Lowe falls down, he can tap X to sweep his sword in a broad sweeping motion that does not knock down.
Lowe will use this skill while you are close by after every knock down; be careful, because he was extremely high attack speed and can activate his counter chance very quickly.
Lowe readies his sword as a shield for a counterattack, launching his opponent into the air upon successful contact.
10 Seconds
Lowe side-kicks his opponent, reducing their KD.
Reduces KD by 5.
Armor Break
10 Seconds
Lowe bashes his enemy with the hilt of his sword, breaking their armor and nullifying their Physical Defense.
Lowe has a 100% chance of activating armor break with this active.
Rolling Smash
10 Seconds
Lowe launches himself forward while swinging his sword around him 360 Degrees, ending it with a heavy smash onto the ground flinging all enemies into the air.
Lowe has more cooldown on this skill compared to Lord Knight's version of Rolling Smash.
Heavy Landing
10 Seconds
Lowe launches himself into the air, flying in a parabolic motion. He then performs a heavy landing that launches all enemies at the spot he lands.
Lowe has super armor for the duration of this skill.
Mega Slash
Special Active
5 Seconds
Lowe slashes his enemy with a charged sword attack dealing heavy damage.
Lowe's version of Mega Slash is significantly stronger than Elsword's Mega Slash.
Fatal Fury
Special Active
8 Seconds
Lowe strikes his enemy 5 times with a charged sword attack and then ends it with a swing, knocking enemies off their feet.
A direct copy of Elsword's Fatal Fury, but with less delay. Lowe very rarely uses this attack.
Armageddon Blade
Special Active
30 Seconds
Lowe's sword transcends its physical limits with a powerful aura that increases the overall range of his attacks for a period of time.
A direct copy of Sword Knight's Armageddon Blade. Lowe will use this attack very often in the middle of his combos or to chase you. Lowe will spam this move.
Idealy, attack him from behind to prevent him from retaliating midcombo. Stay away from corners and keep him at the center at all times to prevent him from comboing.
If there are ledges in the map, it is recommended that you stay near the edge of them to break his combo by falling should you get caught in one.
Whenever he uses Armageddon Blade, just stay on a ledge above him and he will swipe at you from below futilely.
Lowe's attack style is rather basic, but he hits hard.
Lowe is the captain of Ruben's ElSearch Team; after retrieving the Elstone from Altera Core, he realized that he was far too weak and joined the arena as a means of bettering his skills.