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Vocals VERIVERY (베리베리) Composition 신성민
Arrangement 신성민 Lyrics 신성민
Release Date October 17, 2024 Length 3:41
Song Name
Release Date
October 17, 2024


"DIVE" is a song created as part of the PROJECT EL★STAR comeback event. This song features the group trinityACE, comprising of Elsword, Chung, Add, and the newest member Noah.


Korean Romanization English Translation (Official)
Dive into the sky
숨 가쁘게 달려가 Run 'til you're out of breath
오늘만큼 좀 과해도 돼 Today let's go a bit overboard
넘어져도 괜찮아 It's okay if you fall
그럴수록 우린 더 강해져 The more we fall, the stronger we become

타오르는 우리의 꿈 Our dreams are burning
어느 때보다 빛나고 있잖아 Shining brighter than ever before
세상이 뒤집힌 것처럼 Like the world is turned upside down
우릴 맞이하는 저 Blue Sky Look up to the Blue Sky
흘려진 피와 땀에 In the blood and sweat spilled,
구분 없던 낫과 밤에 In the blurred night and day,
마침내 이 세상이 대답할 차례 the world can finally answer

Ready for the Dive to the sky (Hey)
거침없이 부딪혜 올라 Keep going higher and higher
이글거리는 태양을 to the hot, blazing sun
마주하고 용기내 몸을 던졔 Face it, and dive into it with courage
Dive to the sky (Hey)
회색빛 현실을 깨뜨려봐 Shatter the gray realities
너와 내가 꿈꿔왔던 그 장면이 The scene you and I have been dreaming about.
선명히 펼쳐질 거야 will unfold before your eyes
Dive into the sky
Dive into the sky

Everything seems to be upside down
모든 걸 반전시켜 Reverse everything
Let us Dive into the sky
나를 감싸고 있던 The obstacles that surrounded me
장애물은 점처럼 작아졌네 became as small as a speck of dust, now
We're gonna be higher than before
as high as we can fly

터질 듯한 우리의 꿈 Our dreams are soaring high
어느 때보다 빛나고 있잖아 Shining brighter than ever before
마침내 양팔을 활짝 펴고 Finally, with arms wide open,
우릴 맞이하는 Blue Sky look up to the Blue Sky
흘려진 피와 땀에 In the blood and sweat spilled,
구분 없던 낮과 밤에 In the blurred night and day,
마침내 이 세상이 대답할 차례 the world can finally answer

Ready for the Dive to the sky (Hey)
거침없이 부딪혀 올라 Keep going higher and higher
이글거리는 태양을 to the hot, blazing sun
마주하고 용기내 몸을 던져 Face it, and dive into it with courage
Dive to the sky (Hey)
회색빛 현실을 깨뜨려봐 Shatter the gray realities
너와 내가 꿈꿔왔던 그 장면이 The scene you and I have been dreaming about.
선명히 펼쳐질 거야 will unfold before your eyes
Dive into the sky
Dive into the sky

Dive into the sky
좌절의 시간 한계뿐이었던 Time of defeat, the limitations
시간을 지나 are now over
The world will give you
everything you deserve
세상이 뒤집힌 것처럼 Like the world is upside down
거침없이 솟아올라 Fly high without fear
마침내 우리가 Finally we will
태양의 열기를 뚫고 break through the sun's heat
솟아오르는 전율을 느껴 and feel the rush as we soar higher

Ready for the Dive to the sky
거침없이 부딪혀 올라 Keep going higher and higher
이글거리는 태양을 to the hot, blazing sun
마주하고 용기내 몸을 던져 Face it, and dive into it with courage
Dive to the sky (Hey)
회색빛 현실을 깨뜨려봐 Shatter the gray realities
너와 내가 꿈꿔왔던 그 장면이 The scene you and I have been dreaming about.
선명히 펼쳐질 거야 will unfold before your eyes
Dive into the sky
Dive into the sky


Music [1]
Role Credit
Composition 신성민
Lyrics 신성민
Arrangement 신성민
Vocals VERIVERY (베리베리)
Backing Vocal 신성진
Guitar 성상민
Bass 신성민
Keyboard 신성민
MIDI Programming 신성민
Vocal Recording
Recording Studio
Mixing Master Key @821Sound
Mastered 박정언 @허니버터 마스터링

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation


  1. DIVE - trinityACE (Vocal. VERIVERY (베리베리)) Genie.co.kr, 4 January 2025. Web.

General Guides
Character Progression
Other Media