Awakened Will: Reckless Fist

From Elwiki
Re-Awakening yourself while in Awakening further enhances the body. Awakening charge speed is increased while in Awakening.

Required number of hits to charge and create a core is reduced and the core is also created even after a set duration.


Class Level Required
Reckless Fist: Transcendent 70

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required  Self BuffAwakened Will: Reckless FistSelf BuffAwakened Will: Reckless Fist
(Upon Re-Awakening)
 Self BuffAwakened Will: Reckless FistSelf BuffAwakened Will: Reckless Fist
(During Awakening Mode)
Magical Attack Increase
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
Physical / Magical Defense Increase
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
Max Stacks Awakening Charge Speed Increase
This effect is multiplicative
to your current stats. 
Core Create / Charge Rate Core Regeneration
1 70 10% 12% 2 20% 2x 10 Seconds
1 70 5% 5% 2 20% 2x 10 Seconds



Date Changes
07/14/2016 09/28/2016
  • Awakened Will: Reckless Fist added.
10/13/2016 11/23/2016
  • Damage decreased increased.
  • Defense Increase increased.
11/02/2017 11/15/2017
  • Core Regeneration Time increased.
09/20/2018 10/11/2018
  • Magical Attack Power Increase increased.
  • Defense Increase increased.
07/02/2020 07/29/2020
  • Max Stack amount decreased.
  • Magical Attack Power increased.
  • Defense Increase increased.
  • None
12/17/2020 12/16/2020
  • Tooltip error fixed.
09/30/2021 10/27/2021
  • Re-Awaken buff stack amount decreased and values increased (overall increased).
01/04/2024 01/31/2024
  • Additional Awakening Magical Attack Power Increase decreased.
  • None

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 해방된 의지 : 레크리스 피스트 Liberated Will: Reckless Fist
China (Simplified Chinese) 解放的意志:末日武者 Liberated Will: Doomsday Warrior
Germany Befreiter Wille: Feuerfaust Liberated Will: Fire Fist
Spain Voluntad liberada: Puño de fuego Liberated Will: Fire Fist
France Volonté déchaînée : poing de feu Unleashed Will: Fire Fist
Italy Volontà liberata: Pugno di Fuoco Liberated Will: Fire Fist
Poland Uwolniona Wola: Ognista Pięść Liberated Will: Fire Fist
United Kingdom Freed Will: Fire Fist