Awakened Will: Mastermind

From Elwiki
Switching to  Self BuffDynamo Factory ModeSelf BuffDynamo Factory Mode grants a set chance of gaining an extra Mutation Point and using [Special Active] skills will activate Overflow condition.


Class Level Required
Mastermind: Transcendent 70

Skill Information

Skill Level Level Required Activate or Swapping
 Self BuffDynamo Factory ModeSelf BuffDynamo Factory Mode
 Self BuffAwakened Will: MastermindSelf BuffAwakened Will: Mastermind
Mutation Point
Gain Chance
Install Skills
MP Usage Decrease
Max Stacks Mutation Point Gain Chance
Upon Using Dynamo
Configuration Skill
Chance to not Use Mutation Points
(All skills)
1 70 50% 5% 3 50% 50% 20 Seconds

Related Skills

Dynamo Factory/Install Skills

Dynamo Configuration Skills


Date Changes
08/11/2016 09/28/2016
  • Awakened Will: Mastermind added.
10/13/2016 11/23/2016
  • Install MP cost decrease decreased.
11/01/2018 11/14/2018
  • Extra DMP when switching Factory Mode chance increased.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 해방된 의지 : 마스터 마인드 Liberated Will: Mastermind
China (Simplified Chinese) 解放的意志:心灵操纵者 Liberated Will: Mind Manipulator
Brazil Transcender: Regente Transcend: Regent