Aura of Punishment

From Elwiki
Increases your critical damage and critical chance.
Final Enhanced Skill
  • MP Usage is decreased by 50%.


Class Level Required
Lu/Ciel 10

Skill Information

Mode  Party BuffAura of PunishmentParty BuffAura of Punishment MP Usage Cooldown
Critical Increase
This effect is normalized
to your current stats. 
Critical Damage Increase
This effect is additive
to your current stats. 
PvE 20% 20% 30 Seconds 60 MP 10 Seconds
PvP 10% 10% 15 Seconds
PvE 20% 20% 30 Seconds 30 MP 10 Seconds
PvP 10% 10% 15 Seconds

Skill Traits

ModeKilling Blow (1) Aura of PunishmentKilling Blow (2) Aura of Punishment
Attribute EffectDurationAttribute EffectEffects
PvESkill effect's duration increased to 130%39 SecondsSkill effect's effectiveness increased by 15% Party BuffAura of PunishmentParty BuffAura of Punishment Critical Increase: 23%
 Party BuffAura of PunishmentParty BuffAura of Punishment Critical Damage Increase: 23%
PvP19.5 Seconds Party BuffAura of PunishmentParty BuffAura of Punishment Critical Increase: 11.5%
 Party BuffAura of PunishmentParty BuffAura of Punishment Critical Damage Increase: 11.5%

Tips and Details

  • The  Aura of PunishmentAura of Punishment buff will apply instantly after casting, even if the skill's animation is interrupted.
    • If the skill is used right before a stage transition, the visual will get stored and unleashed on the next stage.


  • The buff emblem's design takes the half of the contract sigil that Lu has on her back, and further adorns it with a crown. In comparison, the now deleted skill, Aura of Darkness, used to have the bottom half that Ciel has on his chest.



Date Changes
12/18/2014 07/01/2015
  • Aura of Punishment added.
02/12/2015 08/12/2015
  • MP Usage decreased.
10/29/2015 03/16/2016
  • [Enhanced] effect when enhancing decreased.
  • MP cost error fixed.
09/28/2017 10/18/2017
  • Duration decreased.
  • Critical Damage Increase increased.
  • Critical Damage Increase decreased.
02/21/2019 -
  • Fixed skill effect sometimes not applying as Innocent.
09/11/2019 09/25/2019
  • Added Critical Chance Increase effect.
  • Removed Enemy Critical Chance Decrease effect.
  • Changed Critical Damage Increase calculation method.
10/08/2020 11/04/2020
  • Time until buff effect applies is reduced.

Alternative Names

Server Name Translation
South Korea 징벌의 문장 Seal of Punishment
Japan 懲罰の紋章 Emblem of Punishment
China (Simplified Chinese) 惩戒纹章 Emblem of Punishment
Germany Emblem der Bestrafung Emblem of Punishment
Spain Emblema del castigo Emblem of Punishment
France Emblème punitif Punitive Emblem
Italy Emblema della Punizione Emblem of Punishment
Poland Emblemat Kary Emblem of Punishment
Brazil Selo da Punição Seal of Punishment